Week 05 Questions
Sarah Tanja
### What is Quarto?
Quarto is very similar to RMarkdown, and was built by the same people.
Why use Quarto over RMarkdown? It uses Pandoc to be compatible with
rendering many different output formats. It has a few more advanced
features than RMarkdown.
> **Tip**
> I particularly like the `::: {callout-tip} :::` wrap that
> automatically highlights and formats text for different purposes
> (note, warning, important, tip, caution)
### How do you make columns using Revealjs in Quarto Presentations?
Quarto docs show example code for making columns with the presentation
`format: revealjs`
> To put material in side by side columns, you can use a native div
> container with class `.columns`, containing two or more div containers
> with class `.column` and a `width` attribute:
:::: {.columns}
::: {.column width="40%"}
Left column
::: {.column width="60%"}
Right column
### How would you change the appearance of slides using Revealjs in Quarto Presentations?
There seem to be many ways to customize slides using `format: revealjs`.
You can customize slides by making the background an image or a video.
Themes are probably the easiest uniform way to change slide appearance.
There are 10 built-in themes, or you can create your own. To add a
theme, call it out in the YAML front matter.
title: "Presentation"
theme: dark
Here is the full list of available themes:
- beige
- blood
- dark
- default
- league
- moon
- night
- serif
- simple
- sky
- solarized
### What has been the biggest constraint working on your own research project in the past week?
Time. I have been in the lab working on DNA/RNA extractions and have
spent less time working on developing the DGE script for *Montipora
capitata* rice coral.