title: "04-kallisto"
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```{r, setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(highlight = TRUE, eval = FALSE)
Check kallisto `version` with the following command:
```{r, engine='bash'}
# Create Index File
This code is indexing the file `Montipora_capitata_HIv3.genes.cds.fna` while also renaming it as `mcap_rna.index`. **/home/shared/kallisto/kallisto** is the absolute path to the kallisto program from within the raven server, while the lines after the index command indicate where to where to write the file to (`mcap_rna.index`) and where to get the data from (the`Montipora_capitata_HIv3.genes.cds.fna` file)
```{r, engine='bash'}
/home/shared/kallisto/kallisto \
index -i \
../data/mcap_rna.index \
# Kallisto Quant
The next chunk performs the following steps:
- creates a subdirectory `kallisto_01` in the `output` folder using `mkdir`
- Uses the `find` utility to search for all files in the `../data/` directory that match the pattern `*fastq.gz`.
- Uses the `basename` command to extract the base filename of each file (i.e., the filename without the directory path), and removes the suffix `_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz`.
- Runs the kallisto `quant` command on each input file, with the following options:
- `-i ../data/mcap_rna.index`: Use the kallisto index file located at `../data/mcap_rna.index`.
- `-o ../output/kallisto_01/{}`: Write the output files to a directory called `../output/kallisto_01/` with a subdirectory named after the base filename of the input file (the {} is a placeholder for the base filename).
- `-t 40`: Use 40 threads for the computation.
- `--single -l 100 -s 10`: Specify that the input file contains single-end reads (--single), with an average read length of 100 (-l 100) and a standard deviation of 10 (-s 10).
- The input file to process is specified using the {} placeholder, which is replaced by the base filename from the previous step.
```{r, engine='bash'}
# uncomment the line of code below
# mkdir ../output/kallisto_01
find /home/shared/8TB_HDD_01/mcap/*.fastq \
| xargs basename -s .fastq | xargs -I{} /home/shared/kallisto/kallisto \
quant -i ../data/mcap_rna.index \
-o ../output/kallisto_01/{} \
-t 40 \
--single -l 100 -s 10 ../data/{}.fastq
# Trinity Abundance Estimates, Gene Expression Matrix
This next command runs the `abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl` script from the Trinity RNA-seq assembly software package to create a gene expression matrix from kallisto output files.
The specific options and arguments used in the command are as follows:
- `perl /home/shared/trinityrnaseq-v2.12.0/util/abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl`: Run the abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl script from Trinity.
```{r, engine='bash'}
- `--est_method kallisto`: Specify that the abundance estimates were generated using kallisto.
- `--gene_trans_map none`: Do not use a gene-to-transcript mapping file.
- `--out_prefix ../output/kallisto_01`: Use ../output/kallisto_01 as the output directory and prefix for the gene expression matrix file.
- `--name_sample_by_basedir`: Use the sample directory name (i.e., the final directory in the input file paths) as the sample name in the output matrix.
- And then there are the kallisto abundance files to use as input for creating the gene expression matrix.
```{r, engine='bash'}
perl /home/shared/trinityrnaseq-v2.12.0/util/abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl \
--est_method kallisto \
--gene_trans_map none \
--out_prefix ../output/kallisto_01 \
--name_sample_by_basedir \
../output/kallisto_01/SRR22293447/abundance.tsv \
../output/kallisto_01/SRR22293448/abundance.tsv \
../output/kallisto_01/SRR22293449/abundance.tsv \
../output/kallisto_01/SRR22293450/abundance.tsv \
../output/kallisto_01/SRR22293451/abundance.tsv \
../output/kallisto_01/SRR22293452/abundance.tsv \
../output/kallisto_01/SRR22293453/abundance.tsv \