// // Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // Official repository: https://github.com/boostorg/beast // #ifndef BOOST_BEAST_HTTP_IMPL_WRITE_HPP #define BOOST_BEAST_HTTP_IMPL_WRITE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace beast { namespace http { namespace detail { template< class Handler, class Stream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> class write_some_op : public beast::async_base< Handler, beast::executor_type> { Stream& s_; serializer& sr_; class lambda { write_some_op& op_; public: bool invoked = false; explicit lambda(write_some_op& op) : op_(op) { } template void operator()( error_code& ec, ConstBufferSequence const& buffers) { BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_LOCATION(( __FILE__, __LINE__, "http::async_write_some")); invoked = true; ec = {}; op_.s_.async_write_some( buffers, std::move(op_)); } }; public: template write_some_op( Handler_&& h, Stream& s, serializer& sr) : async_base< Handler, beast::executor_type>( std::forward(h), s.get_executor()) , s_(s) , sr_(sr) { (*this)(); } void operator()() { error_code ec; if(! sr_.is_done()) { lambda f{*this}; sr_.next(ec, f); if(ec) { BOOST_ASSERT(! f.invoked); BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_LOCATION(( __FILE__, __LINE__, "http::async_write_some")); return net::post( s_.get_executor(), beast::bind_front_handler( std::move(*this), ec, 0)); } if(f.invoked) { // *this is now moved-from, return; } // What else could it be? BOOST_ASSERT(sr_.is_done()); } BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_LOCATION(( __FILE__, __LINE__, "http::async_write_some")); return net::post( s_.get_executor(), beast::bind_front_handler( std::move(*this), ec, 0)); } void operator()( error_code ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { if(! ec) sr_.consume(bytes_transferred); this->complete_now(ec, bytes_transferred); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct serializer_is_header_done { template< bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> bool operator()( serializer& sr) const { return sr.is_header_done(); } }; struct serializer_is_done { template< bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> bool operator()( serializer& sr) const { return sr.is_done(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class Handler, class Stream, class Predicate, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> class write_op : public beast::async_base< Handler, beast::executor_type> , public asio::coroutine { Stream& s_; serializer& sr_; std::size_t bytes_transferred_ = 0; net::cancellation_state st_{this-> beast::async_base> ::get_cancellation_slot()}; public: using cancellation_slot_type = net::cancellation_slot; cancellation_slot_type get_cancellation_slot() const noexcept { return st_.slot(); } template write_op( Handler_&& h, Stream& s, serializer& sr) : async_base< Handler, beast::executor_type>( std::forward(h), s.get_executor()) , s_(s) , sr_(sr) { (*this)(); } void operator()( error_code ec = {}, std::size_t bytes_transferred = 0) { BOOST_ASIO_CORO_REENTER(*this) { if(Predicate{}(sr_)) { BOOST_ASIO_CORO_YIELD { BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_LOCATION(( __FILE__, __LINE__, "http::async_write")); net::post( s_.get_executor(), std::move(*this)); } goto upcall; } for(;;) { BOOST_ASIO_CORO_YIELD { BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_LOCATION(( __FILE__, __LINE__, "http::async_write")); beast::http::async_write_some( s_, sr_, std::move(*this)); } bytes_transferred_ += bytes_transferred; if (!ec && st_.cancelled() != net::cancellation_type::none) ec = net::error::operation_aborted; if(ec) goto upcall; if(Predicate{}(sr_)) break; } upcall: this->complete_now(ec, bytes_transferred_); } } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class Handler, class Stream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> class write_msg_op : public beast::stable_async_base< Handler, beast::executor_type> { Stream& s_; serializer& sr_; public: template< class Handler_, class... Args> write_msg_op( Handler_&& h, Stream& s, Args&&... args) : stable_async_base< Handler, beast::executor_type>( std::forward(h), s.get_executor()) , s_(s) , sr_(beast::allocate_stable< serializer>( *this, std::forward(args)...)) { (*this)(); } void operator()() { BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_LOCATION(( __FILE__, __LINE__, "http::async_write(msg)")); async_write(s_, sr_, std::move(*this)); } void operator()( error_code ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { this->complete_now(ec, bytes_transferred); } }; struct run_write_some_op { template< class WriteHandler, class Stream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> void operator()( WriteHandler&& h, Stream* s, serializer* sr) { // If you get an error on the following line it means // that your handler does not meet the documented type // requirements for the handler. static_assert( beast::detail::is_invocable::value, "WriteHandler type requirements not met"); write_some_op< typename std::decay::type, Stream, isRequest, Body, Fields>( std::forward(h), *s, *sr); } }; struct run_write_op { template< class WriteHandler, class Stream, class Predicate, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> void operator()( WriteHandler&& h, Stream* s, Predicate const&, serializer* sr) { // If you get an error on the following line it means // that your handler does not meet the documented type // requirements for the handler. static_assert( beast::detail::is_invocable::value, "WriteHandler type requirements not met"); write_op< typename std::decay::type, Stream, Predicate, isRequest, Body, Fields>( std::forward(h), *s, *sr); } }; struct run_write_msg_op { template< class WriteHandler, class Stream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields, class... Args> void operator()( WriteHandler&& h, Stream* s, message* m, std::false_type, Args&&... args) { // If you get an error on the following line it means // that your handler does not meet the documented type // requirements for the handler. static_assert( beast::detail::is_invocable::value, "WriteHandler type requirements not met"); write_msg_op< typename std::decay::type, Stream, isRequest, Body, Fields>( std::forward(h), *s, *m, std::forward(args)...); } template< class WriteHandler, class Stream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields, class... Args> void operator()( WriteHandler&& h, Stream* s, message const* m, std::true_type, Args&&... args) { // If you get an error on the following line it means // that your handler does not meet the documented type // requirements for the handler. static_assert( beast::detail::is_invocable::value, "WriteHandler type requirements not met"); write_msg_op< typename std::decay::type, Stream, isRequest, Body, Fields>( std::forward(h), *s, *m, std::forward(args)...); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template class write_some_lambda { Stream& stream_; public: bool invoked = false; std::size_t bytes_transferred = 0; explicit write_some_lambda(Stream& stream) : stream_(stream) { } template void operator()(error_code& ec, ConstBufferSequence const& buffers) { invoked = true; bytes_transferred = stream_.write_some(buffers, ec); } }; template class write_lambda { Stream& stream_; public: bool invoked = false; std::size_t bytes_transferred = 0; explicit write_lambda(Stream& stream) : stream_(stream) { } template void operator()(error_code& ec, ConstBufferSequence const& buffers) { invoked = true; bytes_transferred = net::write( stream_, buffers, ec); } }; template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> std::size_t write_some_impl( SyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr, error_code& ec) { if(! sr.is_done()) { write_some_lambda f{stream}; sr.next(ec, f); if(ec) return f.bytes_transferred; if(f.invoked) sr.consume(f.bytes_transferred); return f.bytes_transferred; } ec = {}; return 0; } template< class AsyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields, BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_TPARAM2 WriteHandler> BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_RESULT2(WriteHandler) async_write_some_impl( AsyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr, WriteHandler&& handler) { return net::async_initiate< WriteHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t)>( run_write_some_op{}, handler, &stream, &sr); } } // detail //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> std::size_t write_some( SyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr) { static_assert(is_sync_write_stream::value, "SyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); error_code ec; auto const bytes_transferred = write_some(stream, sr, ec); if(ec) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(system_error{ec}); return bytes_transferred; } template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> std::size_t write_some( SyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr, error_code& ec) { static_assert(is_sync_write_stream::value, "SyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); return detail::write_some_impl(stream, sr, ec); } template< class AsyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields, BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_TPARAM2 WriteHandler> BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_RESULT2(WriteHandler) async_write_some( AsyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr, WriteHandler&& handler) { static_assert(is_async_write_stream< AsyncWriteStream>::value, "AsyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); return detail::async_write_some_impl(stream, sr, std::forward(handler)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> std::size_t write_header(SyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr) { static_assert(is_sync_write_stream::value, "SyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); error_code ec; auto const bytes_transferred = write_header(stream, sr, ec); if(ec) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(system_error{ec}); return bytes_transferred; } template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> std::size_t write_header( SyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr, error_code& ec) { static_assert(is_sync_write_stream::value, "SyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); sr.split(true); std::size_t bytes_transferred = 0; if(! sr.is_header_done()) { detail::write_lambda f{stream}; do { sr.next(ec, f); bytes_transferred += f.bytes_transferred; if(ec) return bytes_transferred; BOOST_ASSERT(f.invoked); sr.consume(f.bytes_transferred); } while(! sr.is_header_done()); } else { ec = {}; } return bytes_transferred; } template< class AsyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields, BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_TPARAM2 WriteHandler> BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_RESULT2(WriteHandler) async_write_header( AsyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr, WriteHandler&& handler) { static_assert(is_async_write_stream< AsyncWriteStream>::value, "AsyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); sr.split(true); return net::async_initiate< WriteHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t)>( detail::run_write_op{}, handler, &stream, detail::serializer_is_header_done{}, &sr); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> std::size_t write( SyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr) { static_assert(is_sync_write_stream::value, "SyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); error_code ec; auto const bytes_transferred = write(stream, sr, ec); if(ec) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(system_error{ec}); return bytes_transferred; } template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> std::size_t write( SyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr, error_code& ec) { static_assert(is_sync_write_stream::value, "SyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); std::size_t bytes_transferred = 0; sr.split(false); for(;;) { bytes_transferred += write_some(stream, sr, ec); if(ec) return bytes_transferred; if(sr.is_done()) break; } return bytes_transferred; } template< class AsyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields, BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_TPARAM2 WriteHandler> BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_RESULT2(WriteHandler) async_write( AsyncWriteStream& stream, serializer& sr, WriteHandler&& handler) { static_assert(is_async_write_stream< AsyncWriteStream>::value, "AsyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); sr.split(false); return net::async_initiate< WriteHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t)>( detail::run_write_op{}, handler, &stream, detail::serializer_is_done{}, &sr); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> typename std::enable_if< is_mutable_body_writer::value, std::size_t>::type write( SyncWriteStream& stream, message& msg) { static_assert(is_sync_write_stream::value, "SyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); error_code ec; auto const bytes_transferred = write(stream, msg, ec); if(ec) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(system_error{ec}); return bytes_transferred; } template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> typename std::enable_if< ! is_mutable_body_writer::value, std::size_t>::type write( SyncWriteStream& stream, message const& msg) { static_assert(is_sync_write_stream::value, "SyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); error_code ec; auto const bytes_transferred = write(stream, msg, ec); if(ec) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(system_error{ec}); return bytes_transferred; } template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> typename std::enable_if< is_mutable_body_writer::value, std::size_t>::type write( SyncWriteStream& stream, message& msg, error_code& ec) { static_assert(is_sync_write_stream::value, "SyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); serializer sr{msg}; return write(stream, sr, ec); } template< class SyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields> typename std::enable_if< ! is_mutable_body_writer::value, std::size_t>::type write( SyncWriteStream& stream, message const& msg, error_code& ec) { static_assert(is_sync_write_stream::value, "SyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); serializer sr{msg}; return write(stream, sr, ec); } template< class AsyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields, BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_TPARAM2 WriteHandler> BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_RESULT2(WriteHandler) async_write( AsyncWriteStream& stream, message& msg, WriteHandler&& handler, typename std::enable_if< is_mutable_body_writer::value>::type*) { static_assert( is_async_write_stream::value, "AsyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); return net::async_initiate< WriteHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t)>( detail::run_write_msg_op{}, handler, &stream, &msg, std::false_type{}); } template< class AsyncWriteStream, bool isRequest, class Body, class Fields, BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_TPARAM2 WriteHandler> BOOST_BEAST_ASYNC_RESULT2(WriteHandler) async_write( AsyncWriteStream& stream, message const& msg, WriteHandler&& handler, typename std::enable_if< ! is_mutable_body_writer::value>::type*) { static_assert( is_async_write_stream::value, "AsyncWriteStream type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); return net::async_initiate< WriteHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t)>( detail::run_write_msg_op{}, handler, &stream, &msg, std::true_type{}); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace detail { template class write_ostream_lambda { std::ostream& os_; Serializer& sr_; public: write_ostream_lambda(std::ostream& os, Serializer& sr) : os_(os) , sr_(sr) { } template void operator()(error_code& ec, ConstBufferSequence const& buffers) const { ec = {}; if(os_.fail()) return; std::size_t bytes_transferred = 0; for(auto b : beast::buffers_range_ref(buffers)) { os_.write(static_cast( b.data()), b.size()); if(os_.fail()) return; bytes_transferred += b.size(); } sr_.consume(bytes_transferred); } }; } // detail template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, header const& h) { typename Fields::writer fr{ h, h.version(), h.method()}; return os << beast::make_printable(fr.get()); } template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, header const& h) { typename Fields::writer fr{ h, h.version(), h.result_int()}; return os << beast::make_printable(fr.get()); } template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, message const& msg) { static_assert(is_body::value, "Body type requirements not met"); static_assert(is_body_writer::value, "BodyWriter type requirements not met"); serializer sr{msg}; error_code ec; detail::write_ostream_lambda f{os, sr}; do { sr.next(ec, f); if(os.fail()) break; if(ec) { os.setstate(std::ios::failbit); break; } } while(! sr.is_done()); return os; } } // http } // beast } // boost #endif