title: "week-04"
output: html_document
date: "2023-04-17"
a) **What is `tmux` and how does this relate to our current way of working on raven?**
tmux stands for terminal multiplexer and it allows us to create multiple sessions that each have their own environments and run their own processes simultaneously. This could be of use when we run code that takes a long time to execute, such as downloading large files. Instead of waiting for that process to finish, tmux allows us to maintain a persistent session even if we lose connection or close a terminal window.
b) **What is `ssh` and what would the code be you would type if you were going to `ssh` into raven?**
SSH stands for secure shell, which is an encrypted way for users to connect to remote servers. In raven, it might looks something like this:
ssh [skalleyc\@mox.hyak.uw.edu](mailto:skalleyc@mox.hyak.uw.edu){.email}
c) **What has been the most challenging part of your research project? Are you happy with your organization skills? If not what could be improved?**
The most challenging part of this project has been trying to find the source of an error. Since I don't have much experience with bash, it's hard to know when the formatting is off, quickly recall what arguments do, and find mistakes. I'm sure that will get better with time, though.
I am happy with my organization at present, but I am not too far into my project. As time goes on and the project becomes more complicated, I might reevaluate how I organize things.
d) **For last weeks assignment what did you appreciate the most about knitting documents?**
I appreciated that knitting allowed me to turn code into a aesthetically pleasing document. It was neat to play with different formatting options and I enjoyed seeing how those translated into an html report.