1 Introduction

This is a report created using RMarkdown. It outlines code needed to analyze RNAseq data and compare gene expression abundance in samples exposed to different treatments. It uses the software DESeq2 (R) and Kallisto (bash), which can be downloaded here.

1.1 Download Software

1.2 Install kallisto

#access kallisto here

1.3 Download the reference

#download the reference data 
cd ../data
curl --insecure -O https://gannet.fish.washington.edu/seashell/bu-github/nb-2023/Cgigas/data/rna.fna

1.4 Download the fastq sequence files

#uses wget to download all fastq files in from the url
cd ../data 
wget --recursive --no-parent --no-directories \
--no-check-certificate \
--accept '*.fastq.gz' \

1.5 Index the reference

This code sets an rna.fna file as the index and renames it as “cgigas_roslin_rna.index”

/home/shared/kallisto/kallisto \
index -i \
../data/cgigas_roslin_rna.index \

1.6 Create abundance estimates

# create a directory for the abundance estimate outputs to be stored
mkdir ../output/kallisto_01 \
#find all files with that end in "_R1_001.fastq.gz"
find ../data/*_R1_001.fastq.gz \
#remove the basename "_R1_001.fastq.gz"
| xargs basename -s _R1_001.fastq.gz | xargs -I{} /home/shared/kallisto/kallisto \
#create abundance data
quant -i ../data/cgigas_roslin_rna.index \
-o ../output/kallisto_01/{} \
-t 40 \
--single -l 100 -s 10 ../data/{}_R1_001.fastq.gz

1.7 Create a matrix of abundance estimates

Using command abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl from the Trinity RNA-seq assembly software package, we create a matrix of the expression abundances.

perl /home/shared/trinityrnaseq-v2.12.0/util/abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl \
--est_method kallisto \
    --gene_trans_map none \
    --out_prefix ../output/kallisto_01 \
    --name_sample_by_basedir \
    ../output/kallisto_01/D54_S145_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/D56_S136_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/D58_S144_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/M45_S140_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/M48_S137_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/M89_S138_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/D55_S146_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/D57_S143_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/D59_S142_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/M46_S141_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/M49_S139_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/M90_S147_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N48_S194_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N50_S187_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N52_S184_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N54_S193_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N56_S192_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N58_S195_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N49_S185_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N51_S186_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N53_S188_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N55_S190_L002/abundance.tsv \
    ../output/kallisto_01/N57_S191_L002/abundance.tsv \

1.8 Format the abundance matrix

countmatrix <- read.delim("../output/kallisto_01.isoform.counts.matrix", header = TRUE, sep = '\t')
rownames(countmatrix) <- countmatrix$X
countmatrix <- countmatrix[,-1]

1.8.1 Round up the values

countmatrix <- round(countmatrix, 0)

1.8.2 Get DEGs based on Desication

deseq2.colData <- data.frame(condition=factor(c(rep("control", 12), rep("desicated", 12))), 
                             type=factor(rep("single-read", 24)))
rownames(deseq2.colData) <- colnames(data)
deseq2.dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countmatrix,
                                     colData = deseq2.colData, 
                                     design = ~ condition)
deseq2.dds <- DESeq(deseq2.dds)
deseq2.res <- results(deseq2.dds)
deseq2.res <- deseq2.res[order(rownames(deseq2.res)), ]
# Count number of hits with adjusted p-value less then 0.05
dim(deseq2.res[!is.na(deseq2.res$padj) & deseq2.res$padj <= 0.05, ])
tmp <- deseq2.res
# The main plot
plot(tmp$baseMean, tmp$log2FoldChange, pch=20, cex=0.45, ylim=c(-3, 3), log="x", col="darkgray",
     main="DEG Dessication  (pval <= 0.05)",
     xlab="mean of normalized counts",
     ylab="Log2 Fold Change")
# Getting the significant points and plotting them again so they're a different color
tmp.sig <- deseq2.res[!is.na(deseq2.res$padj) & deseq2.res$padj <= 0.05, ]
points(tmp.sig$baseMean, tmp.sig$log2FoldChange, pch=20, cex=0.45, col="red")
# 2 FC lines
abline(h=c(-1,1), col="blue")

1.8.3 Save the table

# stor the table in "output" as "DEGlist.tab"
write.table(tmp.sig, "../output/DEGlist.tab", row.names = T)