""" Alternate namespace for toolz such that all functions are curried Currying provides implicit partial evaluation of all functions Example: Get usually requires two arguments, an index and a collection >>> from toolz.curried import get >>> get(0, ('a', 'b')) 'a' When we use it in higher order functions we often want to pass a partially evaluated form >>> data = [(1, 2), (11, 22), (111, 222)] >>> list(map(lambda seq: get(0, seq), data)) [1, 11, 111] The curried version allows simple expression of partial evaluation >>> list(map(get(0), data)) [1, 11, 111] See Also: toolz.functoolz.curry """ import toolz from . import operator from toolz import ( apply, comp, complement, compose, compose_left, concat, concatv, count, curry, diff, first, flip, frequencies, identity, interleave, isdistinct, isiterable, juxt, last, memoize, merge_sorted, peek, pipe, second, thread_first, thread_last, ) from .exceptions import merge, merge_with accumulate = toolz.curry(toolz.accumulate) assoc = toolz.curry(toolz.assoc) assoc_in = toolz.curry(toolz.assoc_in) cons = toolz.curry(toolz.cons) countby = toolz.curry(toolz.countby) dissoc = toolz.curry(toolz.dissoc) do = toolz.curry(toolz.do) drop = toolz.curry(toolz.drop) excepts = toolz.curry(toolz.excepts) filter = toolz.curry(toolz.filter) get = toolz.curry(toolz.get) get_in = toolz.curry(toolz.get_in) groupby = toolz.curry(toolz.groupby) interpose = toolz.curry(toolz.interpose) itemfilter = toolz.curry(toolz.itemfilter) itemmap = toolz.curry(toolz.itemmap) iterate = toolz.curry(toolz.iterate) join = toolz.curry(toolz.join) keyfilter = toolz.curry(toolz.keyfilter) keymap = toolz.curry(toolz.keymap) map = toolz.curry(toolz.map) mapcat = toolz.curry(toolz.mapcat) nth = toolz.curry(toolz.nth) partial = toolz.curry(toolz.partial) partition = toolz.curry(toolz.partition) partition_all = toolz.curry(toolz.partition_all) partitionby = toolz.curry(toolz.partitionby) peekn = toolz.curry(toolz.peekn) pluck = toolz.curry(toolz.pluck) random_sample = toolz.curry(toolz.random_sample) reduce = toolz.curry(toolz.reduce) reduceby = toolz.curry(toolz.reduceby) remove = toolz.curry(toolz.remove) sliding_window = toolz.curry(toolz.sliding_window) sorted = toolz.curry(toolz.sorted) tail = toolz.curry(toolz.tail) take = toolz.curry(toolz.take) take_nth = toolz.curry(toolz.take_nth) topk = toolz.curry(toolz.topk) unique = toolz.curry(toolz.unique) update_in = toolz.curry(toolz.update_in) valfilter = toolz.curry(toolz.valfilter) valmap = toolz.curry(toolz.valmap) del exceptions del toolz