rsconnect-package | Deployment Interface for R Markdown Documents and Shiny Applications |
accountInfo | Account Management Functions |
accounts | Account Management Functions |
accountUsage | Show Account Usage |
addAuthorizedUser | Add authorized user to application |
addConnectServer | Server Management Functions |
addLinter | Add a Linter |
addServer | Server Management Functions |
addServerCertificate | Server Management Functions |
appDependencies | Detect Application Dependencies |
applications | List Deployed Applications |
authorizedUsers | (Deprecated) List authorized users for an application |
configureApp | Configure an Application |
connectApiUser | Connect Api User Account |
connectUser | Connect User Account |
deployAPI | Deploy a Plumber API |
deployApp | Deploy an Application |
deployDoc | Deploy a Document |
deployments | List Application Deployments |
deploySite | Deploy a Website |
deployTFModel | Deploy a TensorFlow saved model |
discoverServers | Server Management Functions |
forgetDeployment | Forget Application Deployment |
generateAppName | Generate Application Name |
lint | Lint a Project |
linter | Create a Linter |
listBundleFiles | List Files to be Bundled |
makeLinterMessage | Construct a Linter Message |
purgeApp | Purge an Application |
removeAccount | Account Management Functions |
removeAuthorizedUser | Remove authorized user from an application |
removeServer | Server Management Functions |
resendInvitation | Resend invitation for invited users of an application |
restartApp | Restart an Application |
rpubsUpload | Upload a file to RPubs |
rsconnect | Deployment Interface for R Markdown Documents and Shiny Applications |
rsconnectOptions | Package Options |
rsconnectPackages | Using Packages with rsconnect |
serverInfo | Server Management Functions |
servers | Server Management Functions |
setAccountInfo | Set ShinyApps or Posit Cloud Account Info |
setProperty | Set Application property |
showInvited | List invited users for an application |
showLogs | Show Application Logs |
showMetrics | Show Application Metrics |
showProperties | Show Application property |
showUsage | Show Application Usage |
showUsers | List authorized users for an application |
syncAppMetadata | Sync Application Metadata |
taskLog | Show task log |
tasks | List Tasks |
terminateApp | Terminate an Application |
unsetProperty | Unset Application property |
writeManifest | Create a manifest.json describing deployment requirements. |