subroutine insrt1(i,j,kj,nadj,madj,ntot,incAdj) # Insert j into the adjacency list of i. # Called by insrt. implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension nadj(-3:ntot,0:madj) # Initialise incAdj. incAdj = 0 # Variable kj is the index which j ***will*** # have when it is inserted into the adjacency list of i in # the appropriate position. # If the adjacency list of i had no points just stick j into the list. n = nadj(i,0) if(n==0) { nadj(i,0) = 1 nadj(i,1) = j return } # If the adjacency list had some points, move everything ahead of the # kj-th place one place forward, and put j in position kj. kk = n+1 if(kk>madj) { # Watch out for over-writing!!! incAdj = 1 return } while(kk>kj) { nadj(i,kk) = nadj(i,kk-1) kk = kk-1 } nadj(i,kj) = j nadj(i,0) = n+1 return end