subroutine locn(i,j,kj,nadj,madj,x,y,ntot,eps) # Find the appropriate location for j in the adjacency list # of i. This is the index which j ***will*** have when # it is inserted into the adjacency list of i in the # appropriate place. Called by insrt. implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension nadj(-3:ntot,0:madj), x(-3:ntot), y(-3:ntot) logical before n = nadj(i,0) # If there is nothing already adjacent to i, then j will have place 1. if(n==0) { kj = 1 return } # Run through i's list, checking if j should come before each element # of that list. (I.e. if i, j, and k are in anti-clockwise order.) # If j comes before the kj-th item, but not before the (kj-1)-st, then # j should have place kj. do ks = 1,n { kj = ks k = nadj(i,kj) call acchk(i,j,k,before,x,y,ntot,eps) if(before) { km = kj-1 if(km==0) km = n k = nadj(i,km) call acchk(i,j,k,before,x,y,ntot,eps) if(before) next # If j is before 1 and after n, then it should # have place n+1. if(kj==1) kj = n+1 return } } # We've gone right through the list and haven't been before # the kj-th item ***and*** after the (kj-1)-st on any occasion. # Therefore j is before everything (==> place 1) or after # everything (==> place n+1). if(before) kj = 1 else kj = n+1 return end