subroutine acchk(i,j,k,anticl,x,y,ntot,eps) # Check whether vertices i, j, k, are in anti-clockwise order. # Called by locn, qtest, qtest1. implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension x(-3:ntot), y(-3:ntot), xt(3), yt(3) logical anticl # Create indicator telling which of i, j, and k are ideal points. if(i<=0) i1 = 1 else i1 = 0 if(j<=0) j1 = 1 else j1 = 0 if(k<=0) k1 = 1 else k1 = 0 ijk = i1*4+j1*2+k1 # Get the coordinates of vertices i, j, and k. (Pseudo-coordinates for # any ideal points.) xt(1) = x(i) yt(1) = y(i) xt(2) = x(j) yt(2) = y(j) xt(3) = x(k) yt(3) = y(k) # Get the ``normalized'' cross product. call cross(xt,yt,ijk,cprd) # If cprd is positive then (ij-cross-ik) is directed ***upwards*** # and so i, j, k, are in anti-clockwise order; else not. if(cprd > eps) anticl = .true. else anticl = .false. if(i==580 & j==579 & k==578) { call dblepr("crossproduct",-1,cprd,1) } return end