# Week 06 Questions a) **What are SAM/BAM files? What is the difference between to the two?** SAM/BAM files store read alignment data in an efficient way. SAM files are plain text and can be read by humans whereas BAM files store data in a binary form that allows the files to be smaller. b) **`samtools`is a popular program for working with alignment data. What are three common tasks that this software is used for?** 1. convert between SAM and BAM 2. extract alignments 3. sort alignments by chromosomal coordinates c) **Why might you want to visualize alignment data and what are two program that can be used for this?** You might want to visualize alignment data to better explore the data and see where insertions/deletions/mismatches, etc. occur. Visualzing allows you to navigate through the data in a way that is easier to understand and digeset. The tview command in samtools and the Integrated Genomics Viewer IGF can both be used to visualize alignment data. d) **Describe what VCF file is?** VCF stands for Variant Call Format. It is a plain text tab-delimited file that holds the output of variant calls.