# Week 05 Questions a) **What is Quarto?** Quarto is open-source software that leverages Pandoc to allow you to create documents, reports, books and presentations in various formats using coding languages. b) **How do you make columns using Revealjs in Quarto Presentations?** To make columns you type `.columns` into a div container, and inside of that container then add as many div containers as columns you want with `.column` and the width of the column, for example `width="60%"`. c) **How would you change the appearance of slides using Revealjs in Quarto Presentations?** There are many ways to change the appearance of slides using Revealjs, including changing the theme to have different colors and fonts in the YAML. For example, you might write `theme:moon` in the YAML. You can also change the background of each slide to a different color or an image by adding a background attribute to the slide header. For example, this could look like `{background-color="blue"}`. d) **What has been the biggest constraint working on your own research project in the past week?** As I was out of town at an international conference last week, I had limited access to wifi and limited time to work on my research project.