# Week 03 Question Set a) **An R Markdown file is plain text file that contains what 3 important types of content?** 1. YAML header 2. chunks of code 3. text with simple formatting b) **What is a chunk and how do you add them? of the many chunk options which one do you think you will use the most and why? How is inline code different than code chunks?** A chunk is a section of code and notes that can be run by itself without running the rest of the R markdown file. You can add chunks in three different ways: using the shortcut Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+I, using the "insert" button, or manually typing ```{r} ```. I think I will use `echo = FALSE` the most often because it helps create reports that exclude the code, which can be useful in showing people the results who don't need to see the code. Inline code is written within a paragraph of text to pull and calculate numbers from the data. These computations are shown as numbers when the file is knitted together. Alternately, chunks usually include more code and are separate from the text. c) **What’s gone wrong with this code? Why are the points not blue?** The points aren't blue because the the aesthetic "color" is inside of `aes()` which tells r to map the aesthetic to a variable therefore, r is looking for a variable "blue" to map multiple colored points (based on the value) instead of turning all of the points blue. To make all of the points blue, `color = "blue"` has to be outside of `aes()`. d) **Of the many things we have done in class the past two weeks, what is one aspect you would like to revisit and spend more time on?** I would like to revisit data QC and making plots to evaluate data quality.