# Week 01 Question Set **What is your prior experience in this discipline?** This discipline is fairly new to me. I understand the theory behind genomics but don't have any experience working with raw data. I have worked with the output from a bioinformatics pipeline, but don't have a great understanding of how bioinformatics works. **What do you hope to get out of this class?** I hope to get a good understanding of how bioinformatics pipelines work including the benefits and limitations. I will be working with metabarcoding data that have been processed using bioinformatics, and I need to know how the process works in order to report it well. **This class is strongly rooted in an independent project related to genomic analyses. What specific project do you have in mind? If you do not have any data or preference, data can be provided / aquired. If you do not have a specfic project, what approach would you like to master as part of this class?** I am mostly interested in taxonomic analysis of zooplankton samples using metabarcoding. I am working on a project on zooplankotn samples collected in Puget Sound with collaborators who have developed their own bioinformatics pipeline, and I believe I can use the raw data from that project. If I cannot use that data, any metabarcoding data would work. **What are two things you found most useful from the reading?** 1. The command line reading made me realize how much easier using CML can be for editing and moving multiple files. For example, for loops allow you to repeat the same action on multiple files in just one line of code. I imagine that for loops will be extremely useful in the future. 2. The grep, redirect > and append redirect >> commands seem like they will be very helpful in extracting information from huge data files and condensing that information into one file.