a) **What is `tmux` and how does this relate to our current way of working on raven?** Tmux is a terminal multiplexer. They allow the user to create a session containing multiple windows, each capable of running their own processes. Tmux allows you to maintain a persistent session that won’t be lost. It sounds like this will let us keep working even if we aren't connected to raven (for example, at home) but then we can reattach the session to raven when we get back to campus. b) **What is `ssh` and what would the code be you would type if you were going to `ssh` into raven?** SSH is a secure shell. And example of the code is: ssh yerrace@mox.hyak.uw.edu This is the ID followed by @ and the remoter server I want to access. c) **What has been the most challenging part of your research project? Are you happy with your organization skills? If not what could be improved?** I know what I need to do I just have no idea how to do it. I know where I want to go but don't know how to get there. I think the organization is fine, I've always liked keeping my data very tidy. d) **For last weeks assignment what did you appreciate the most about knitting documents?** Customizations. I also thought it was cool that it automatically makes a little table of contents type thing from the headings and sub headings that are made using #