## Week 02 Question Set a) **What do you feel was the most impressive thing you did in class last week was?** I don't think I consider aything I did impressive... I feel like I just squeeked by with copying and pasting... I'm glad I was able to "keep up" in some sense as absolutely everything was new. I'm hoping things get easier now that things aren't brand new, never seen (by me) before. b) **What is your weekly goal for making progress on your project? What is the next step?** Four lionfish had gut contents sequences last year. I need to have Luke send them to me. I can use genetics data from a lab mate to play with until the rest of my sequences come back from Jonah Ventures. c) **There were two readings this week not from the textbook, meant for two different audiences. Which reading did you get the most out of and why? Do you have any questions regarding the Journal of Shellfish Research paper?** The article by Samual Bogan ("Fitting multifactoral models of differential expression") had a target audience of intermediate to expert practitioners of RNA-seq analysis, which is definitely not me. I got more out of the Journal of Shellfish paper. It seemed like it wasn't assumed that the reader had extensive background knowledge on the topic. I wouldn't say I understood everything 100% but it was easier comparatively to follow along. Textbook reading gave breakdown of some commands such as curl, wget, gzip, etc. d) **What is your favorite thing about markdown and why?** I like the built in heading formatting with the pound symbol. I like using headings and subheadings for organization in notes. It's good that it's universal with lots of applications. e) **What is the differnce between `curl` and `wget`? When would you used one over the other?** Curl is downloading or uploading to a server and can support protocols. Also part of a library wget is a command line only and doesn't support as many types protocols but can do recursive downlaoding. Note to self: Text book starting page 110 talks about wget and culr and also this website was helpful: https://daniel.haxx.se/docs/curl-vs-wget.html