Oh my gosh it's already week five a) **What is Quarto?** Quarto is a new open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on top of Pandoc, a universal document converter. Quarto is designed to work with multiple programming languages b) **How do you make columns using Revealjs in Quarto Presentations?** To put material in side by side columns, you can use a native div container with class .columns, containing two or more div containers with class .column and a width attribute. c) **How would you change the appearance of slides using Revealjs in Quarto Presentations?** There are 11 built-in themes provided for Reveal presentations but you can also make your own theme. See this webpage for details on how to customize themes: https://quarto.org/docs/presentations/revealjs/themes.html d) **What has been the biggest constraint working on your own research project in the past week?** Access to people willing to help and people who know what they're doing cause I sure have zero idea what I'm doing.