# tidyverse 2.0.0 * lubridate is now a member of the core tidyverse (#157)! * tidyverse now installs ragg (#310). * Loading the tidyverse now advertises `library(conflicted)` because it resolves many conflict problems and silences tidyverse's automated report (#218). * `tidyverse_sitrep()` correctly displays installed package versions and highlights development versions of pacakges (#222). # tidyverse 1.3.2 * Text version of the citation now lists all authors (#269). * All packages have been bumped to their latest versions. * Messaging uses modern approach to avoid red text in RStudio (#296). # tidyverse 1.3.1 * tidyverse now installs dtplyr (#216), googledrive, and googlesheets4 (#229). All packages have been bumped to their latest versions. * License changed to MIT (#235). # tidyverse 1.3.0 * The tidyverse now has an associated paper at the [Journal of Open Source Software](https://joss.theoj.org/) that you can use to cite the tidyverse if you use it in a paper - see `citation("tidyverse")` for details. * Eliminate repeats in the package list when loading an odd number of packages (#94, #100, @dchiu911) * Packages attached from same library they were initially loaded from (#171, @gabrocsardi) * If conflicted package is loaded, omit display of conflicts. This includes fix to `tidyverse_conflicts()` to avoid accidentally triggering conflicted shims (#136). * `tidyverse_deps()` now succeeds even if a dependency of a dependency is missing (#152, @PoGibas). It no longer includes dependencies that are needed by the tidyverse package but are not strictly part of the tidyverse (i.e. cli, crayon, and rstudioapi). * `tidyverse_deps()` and `tidyverse_update()` gain a new `repos` argument that gets passed to the base function `available.packages()` (@zkamvar, #82) * `tidyverse_packages()` correctly returns packages names (#93, #106, @coatless) * `tidyverse_sitrep()` gives you a situation report on your install of the tidyverse (#203) # tidyverse 1.2.1 * Require modern versions of all packages (#85) * Work with RStudio 1.0 and earlier (#88). # tidyverse 1.2.0 ## Changes to tidyverse membership * stringr and forcats have been added to the core tidyverse, so they are attached by `library(tidyverse)`. * reprex joins the tidyverse to make it easier to create reproducible examples (#47) ## Other improvements * On attach, tidyverse now makes better use of the horizontal space, printing packages and versions in two columns (#59). It only prints packages that it attaches, not packages that you've already attached. Development versions are highlighted in red. You can now suppress this startup message by setting `options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE)` * `tidyverse_conflicts()` now prints all conflicts that involve at least one tidyverse package; Previously it only omitted any intra-tidyverse conflicts (#26). I've also tweaked the display of conflicts to hopefully make it more clear which function is the "winner". * `tidyverse_update()` now just gives you the code you need to update the packges, since in general it's not possible to update packages that are already loaded. * feather is now _actually_ in suggests. # tidyverse 1.1.1 * Moved feather from Imports to Suggests - feather is part of the tidyverse but it's installation requirements (C++11 + little-endian) make it painful in many scenarios (#36). # tidyverse 1.1.0 * Added a `NEWS.md` file to track changes to the package. * Membership changes: * Removed DBI (since very different API, #16) * Added feather (#15) * `tidyverse_deps()` and `tidyverse_packages()` are now exported so you can more easily see the make up of the tidyverse, and what package versions you have (#18, #23) * `suppressPackageStartupMessages()` now suppresses all messages during loading (#19). `suppressPackageStartupMessages()` is called automatically for all tidyverse packages (#27).