segmented-package | Segmented Relationships in Regression Models with Breakpoints / Changepoints (with Possibly Random Effects) Estimation |
aapc | Average annual per cent change in segmented trend analysis |
broken.line | Fitted values for segmented relationships |
coef.segmented | Print method for the segmented class |
confint.segmented | Confidence intervals for breakpoints |
confint.segmented.lme | Confidence intervals in segmented mixed models |
davies.test | Testing for a change in the slope |
down | Down syndrome in babies |
draw.history | History for the breakpoint estimates |
fitted.segmented.lme | Fitted values for segmented mixed fits |
fixef.segmented.lme | Print method for the segmented.lme class |
intercept | Intercept estimates from segmented relationships |
lines.segmented | Bars for interval estimate of the breakpoints |
logLik.segmented.lme | Print method for the segmented.lme class |
plant | Plan organ dataset |
plot.segmented | Plot method for segmented objects |
plot.segmented.lme | Plot method for segmented mixed objects |
points.segmented | Points method for segmented objects |
predict.segmented | Predict method for segmented model fits |
print.segmented | Print method for the segmented class |
print.segmented.lme | Print method for the segmented.lme class |
print.summary.segmented | Summarizing model fits for segmented regression |
pscore.test | Testing for existence of one breakpoint |
pwr.seg | Power Analysis in segmented regression | | Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models | | Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models |
seg.control | Auxiliary for controlling segmented model fitting | | Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models | | Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models | | Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models | | Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models | | Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models | | Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models | | Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models | | Fitter Functions for Segmented Linear Models |
segmented | Segmented relationships in regression models |
segmented.Arima | Segmented relationships in regression models |
segmented.default | Segmented relationships in regression models |
segmented.glm | Segmented relationships in regression models |
segmented.lm | Segmented relationships in regression models |
segmented.lme | Segmented relationships in linear mixed models |
segmented.numeric | Segmented relationships in regression models |
selgmented | Selecting the number of breakpoints in segmented regression |
slope | Slope estimates from segmented relationships |
stagnant | Stagnant band height data |
summary.segmented | Summarizing model fits for segmented regression |
summary.segmented.lme | Summarizing model fits for segmented mixed-effects regression |
vcov.segmented | Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Segmented Model |
vcov.segmented.lme | Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Segmented Mixed Model |