subroutine addpt(j,nadj,madj,x,y,ntot,eps,ntri,nerror) # Add point j to the triangulation. # Called by master, dirseg. implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) dimension nadj(-3:ntot,0:madj), x(-3:ntot), y(-3:ntot) logical didswp # Put the new point in, joined to the vertices of its # enclosing triangle. call initad(j,nadj,madj,x,y,ntot,eps,ntri,nerror) if(nerror > 0) return # Look at each `gap', i.e. pair of adjacent segments # emanating from the new point; they form two sides of a # quadrilateral; see whether the extant diagonal of this # quadrilateral should be swapped with its alternative # (according to the LOP: local optimality principle). now = nadj(j,1) nxt = nadj(j,2) ngap = 0 repeat { call swap(j,now,nxt,didswp,nadj,madj,x,y,ntot,eps,nerror) if(nerror > 0) return n = nadj(j,0) if(!didswp) { # If no swap of diagonals now = nxt # move to the next gap. ngap = ngap+1 } call succ(nxt,j,now,nadj,madj,ntot,nerror) if(nerror > 0) return } until(ngap==n) return end