dada2-package |
DADA2 package |
addSpecies |
Add species-level annotation to a taxonomic table. |
assignSpecies |
Taxonomic assignment to the species level by exact matching. |
assignTaxonomy |
Classifies sequences against reference training dataset. |
c-method |
Change concatenation of dada-class objects to list construction. |
c-method |
Change concatenation of derep-class objects to list construction. |
collapseNoMismatch |
Combine together sequences that are identical up to shifts and/or length. |
dada |
High resolution sample inference from amplicon data. |
dada-class |
The object class returned by 'dada' |
derep-class |
A class representing dereplicated sequences |
derepFastq |
Read in and dereplicate a fastq file. |
errBalancedF |
An empirical error matrix. |
errBalancedR |
An empirical error matrix. |
fastqFilter |
Filter and trim a fastq file. |
fastqPairedFilter |
Filters and trims paired forward and reverse fastq files. |
filterAndTrim |
Filter and trim fastq file(s). |
getDadaOpt |
Get DADA options |
getErrors |
Extract already computed error rates. |
getSequences |
Get vector of sequences from input object. |
getUniques |
Get the uniques-vector from the input object. |
inflateErr |
Inflates an error rate matrix by a specified factor, while accounting for saturation. |
isBimera |
Determine if input sequence is a bimera of putative parent sequences. |
isBimeraDenovo |
Identify bimeras from collections of unique sequences. |
isBimeraDenovoTable |
Identify bimeras in a sequence table. |
isPhiX |
Determine if input sequence(s) match the phiX genome. |
isShiftDenovo |
Identify sequences that are identical to a more abundant sequence up to an overall shift. |
learnErrors |
Learns the error rates from an input list, or vector, of file names or a list of 'derep-class' objects. |
loessErrfun |
Use a loess fit to estimate error rates from transition counts. |
makeSequenceTable |
Construct a sample-by-sequence observation matrix. |
mergePairs |
Merge denoised forward and reverse reads. |
mergeSequenceTables |
Merge two or more sample-by-sequence observation matrices. |
names<--method |
Deactivate renaming of dada-class objects. |
names<--method |
Deactivate renaming of derep-class objects. |
noqualErrfun |
Estimate error rates for each type of transition while ignoring quality scores. |
nwalign |
Needleman-Wunsch alignment. |
nwhamming |
Hamming distance after Needlman-Wunsch alignment. |
PacBioErrfun |
Estimate error rates from transition counts in PacBio CCS data. |
plotComplexity |
Plot sequence complexity profile of a fastq file. |
plotErrors |
Plot observed and estimated error rates. |
plotQualityProfile |
Plot quality profile of a fastq file. |
rc |
Reverse complement DNA sequences. |
removeBimeraDenovo |
Remove bimeras from collections of unique sequences. |
removePrimers |
Removes primers and orients reads in a consistent direction. |
seqComplexity |
Determine if input sequence(s) are low complexity. |
setDadaOpt |
Set DADA options |
show-method |
method extensions to show for dada2 objects. |
tperr1 |
An empirical error matrix. |
uniques-vector |
The named integer vector format used to represent collections of unique DNA sequences. |
uniquesToFasta |
Write a uniques vector to a FASTA file |
writeFasta-method |
Writes a named character vector of DNA sequences to a fasta file. Values are the sequences, and names are used for the id lines. |