Viterbi The Viterbi algorithm. align Multiple sequence alignment in R. aphid The 'aphid' package for analysis with profile hidden Markov models. backward The backward algorithm. casino Dishonest casino. deriveHMM Derive a standard hidden Markov model from a set of sequences. derivePHMM Derive a profile hidden Markov model from sequences. forward The forward algorithm. generate Generate random sequences from a model. globins Globin protein alignment. logsum Sum of logged probabilities. map Optimized profile HMM construction. plot.HMM Plot standard hidden Markov models. plot.PHMM Plot profile hidden Markov models. posterior Posterior decoding. print Print summary methods. readPHMM Import profile hidden Markov models into R. substitution Substitution matrices. train Iterative model refinement. unalign Deconstruct an alignment. weight Sequence weighting. writePHMM Export profile hidden Markov models as text.