## Week 04 Question Set *a. What is tmux and how does this relate to our current way of working on raven?* tmux is a terminal multiplexer, which prevents sessions and processes from stopping once you log out of the server or shut down your personal computer. This is how raven is able to keep your previous session when you log back in (this is how we've been working in raven). *b. What is ssh and what would the code be you would type if you were going to ssh into raven?* ssh stands for secure shell, and allows the user to remotely log in to a server. If I was going to ssh into raven, I would use: ssh jwinter2@raven.fish.washington.edu:8787 *c. What has been the most challenging part of your research project? Are you happy with your organization skills? If not what could be improved?* The most challenging part so far has been pulling together all the packages and programs I'm using into one concise workflow-- sometimes it is hard to switch back and forth between different programming languages and deciding what I should run on my machine vs a server. I can definitely improve my organization skills, I think maybe naming outputs and data better would help. *d. For last weeks assignment what did you appreciate the most about knitting documents?* I liked being able to visualize data better, and see a nice clean output after working with just chunks of code.