## Week 03 Question Set *a. An R Markdown file is plain text file that contains what 3 important types of content?* An R Markdown file contains a YAML header, code chunks, and text. *b. What is a chunk and how do you add them? of the many chunk options which one do you think you will use the most and why? How is inline code different than code chunks?* A chunk is a block of code that you can run in one batch or with all the other code when knitting the document, and is one cohesive part of your code. You can add a code chunk by clicking the insert button, using Cmd/Ctrl + Alt + I, or adding ```{r} and ``` around your code. I think message = F or warning = F would be the most used because when loading packages etc you don't need to see all the additional messages R gives you. Inline code is used within the text chunks of the document, and is useful if you want to add a specific number or small output to your text based on the code chunk. *c. What’s gone wrong with this code? Why are the points not blue?* The points aren't blue because color is in the aes(), which is only for variables. In this case, color should be outside aes() but still within geom_point(). *d. Of the many things we have done in class the past two weeks, what is one aspect you would like to revisit and spend more time on?* I think spending a bit more time on what the most helpful things to include for someone else to understand the code would be helpful, because I'm sure what makes sense in my mind at a certain moment isn't always communicated well.