## Week 02 Question Set a) **What do you feel was the most impressive thing you did in class last week was?** Catching some of the errors in my code myself (I think I'm improving with troubleshooting). b) **What is your weekly goal for making progress on your project? What is the next step?** My goal is to get set up with the data I have in my repo. The next steps are to start a Rmd file, update the readme, and gather all the data I need in one place. c) **There were two readings this week not from the textbook, meant for two different audiences. Which reading did you get the most out of and why? Do you have any questions regarding the Journal of Shellfish Research paper?** I got the most out of the Journal of Shellfish Research paper because it had less jargon and therefore it was easier to get the big picture concepts. One question I had was how many major types of transcriptomics are there in addition to RNA-seq? d) **What is your favorite thing about markdown and why?** Having such a universal file type makes it easy to edit and view, which reduces the barrier of having to get the right program to open the file. e) **What is the differnce between `curl` and `wget`? When would you used one over the other?** Wget can download data into the command line from http and FTP links, and can recursively download data (to download from multiple pages). Curl can also download data from http and FTP, as well as SFTP and SCP. Curl will download a page from a redirect unlike wget. So, you might use wget if you have multiple files on a page you want to download, but curl if you want to download a page from a redirect.