--- title: "Week 05 Questions" format: html: code-fold: false code-tools: true code-copy: true highlight-style: github code-overflow: wrap --- a) **What is Quarto?** - Quarto is an external software application that is built to run in R (as well as other languages such as python, jupyter notebook, Java and Julia) that is supposed to run like Rmarkdown but with better communication across languages and higher internal consistency. b) **How do you make columns using Revealjs in Quarto Presentations?** ```{r} :::: {.columns} ::: {.column width="40%"} Left column ::: ::: {.column width="60%"} Right column ::: :::: ``` c) **How would you change the appearance of slides using Revealjs in Quarto Presentations?** The default theme is used automatically — use the theme option to switch to an alternate theme. For example ```{r} --- title: "Presentation" format: revealjs: theme: dark --- ``` Here is the full list of available themes: - beige - blood - dark - default - league - moon - night - serif - simple - sky - solarized d) **What has been the biggest constraint working on your own research project in the past week?** - Spending too much time cleaning up code only to find out I didn't care about the results from that process anyways -- or the results were un-interesting and I wasted my time. Switching back and forth from coding to writing is a way better use of my time so that I always get some writing done every day.