--- title: "Week 04 Questions" format: html: code-fold: false code-tools: true code-copy: true highlight-style: github code-overflow: wrap --- a) **What is `tmux` and how does this relate to our current way of working on raven?** - tmux is especially useful when working on remote desktops or servers because it allows users to detach from a session and reconnect to it later, even if the connection to the remote machine is lost. b) **What is `ssh` and what would the code be you would type if you were going to `ssh` into raven?** - SSH is how you log into a remote desktop computer via the command line - ssh olivia@raven.fish.washington.edu - pw ************** c) **What has been the most challenging part of your research project? Are you happy with your organization skills? If not what could be improved?** - The most challenging part is making sure my blasting code is building the correct directory and runs without crashing in 7 seconds - I could do a better job organizing my data in Mox and in Github. I have too many working directories and I find it cumpersom to transfer data between directories or repositories when I could be using that time to write code or write my papers. d) **For last weeks assignment what did you appreciate the most about knitting documents?** - it is super easy to include R ggplot2 graphs without dealing with png or pdf's that can look strange without knitting documenets.