# waldo 0.5.0 * You can opt-out of quoting strings with `quote_strings = FALSE` (#145). * Improvements to missing value handling: * `NA_character_` and `"NA"` are no longer treated as equal (#162). * `NA_real_` and `NaN` are no longer treated as equal (@sorhawell, #150). * Leading and trailing `NA`s are no longer omitted from output when the lengths of `x` and `y` are unequal (#109). * The `balanced` attribute used by some `POSIXlt` objects in R 4.3 and greater is now ignored (#160). * 3d (and greater) numeric arrays no longer cause an error (#148). * Support for complex numbers is improved (#146). * `ignore_attr = "class"` now works for more types of input (#143). # waldo 0.4.0 * Atomic S3 classes with format methods now use those methods when displaying comparisons (#98). If the printed representation is the same, they fallback to displaying the underlying data. * Rowwise data frame comparisons are now much much faster (#116), and respect the `max_diffs` argument (@krlmlr, #110). * Unnamed environments now compare by value, not by reference (i.e. if two environments contain the same values, they compare the same, even if they're different environments) (#127). Environments that contain self-references are handled correctly (#117). Differences between pairs of environments are only ever reported once. * In the unlikely event that you have bare CHARSXP objects, waldo now handles them (#121). * S4 objects are labelled with their class, not all superclasses (#125). * `compare_proxy()` ignores the `"index"` attribute for data tables (@krlmlr, #107), and works again for `RProtoBuf` objects (@MichaelChirico, #119) * Infinite values can be compared with a tolerance (@dmurdoch, #122). # waldo 0.3.1 * `compare()`ing data frames now works independently of `option(max.print)` (#105). * Fixed regression when comparing vectors with missing values (#102). # waldo 0.3.0 * `compare()` is now considerably faster when comparing complex objects that don't have any differences (thanks to strategic use of `identical()`) (#86). * `compare()` gains two improvements to low-level diffs: * Structurally identical data frames (#78) and numeric matrices (#76) gain a row-by-row diff that makes it easier to see where exactly values differ. * An element-by-element diff will be automatically used if it's shorter than the "smart" diff. This improves diff quality when comparing two vectors that aren't really related (#68). * `compare()` gains a `list_as_map` argument thanks to an idea from @dmurdoch. It allows you to compare the behaviour of two lists when they are used to connect names to values (i.e. the list is operating as a map or dictionary). It removes `NULL`s and sorts named components (#72). * The objects involved in `compare()` (as opposed to the caller of `compare()`) gained much greater ability to control the comparison. * Objects can now contain a `waldo_opts` attribute, a list with the same names and valid values as the arguments to `compare()`, which overrides the default comparisons (@dmurdoch). * `compare_proxy()` is now called earlier (before type comparison) making it more flexible (#65). * `compare_proxy()` gains a second argument, `path`, used to report how the proxy changed the object. This makes it easier to see when and how a proxy is used (#73). * Proxies now exist for comparing RProtoBuf objects, converting them to proto text format (#82, @michaelquinn32). * Comparing a list with symbol to a list without that element no longer errors (@mgirlich, #79). # waldo 0.2.5 * On platforms without UTF-8 support, strings that differ only in their encoding are now correctly considered to be identical (#66). # waldo 0.2.4 * Additional arguments to `compare()` generate a more informative warning (#58). * Numbers use a better algorithm for picking the number of decimal places to show (#63). * ASTs with identical deparsed strings now show exactly how the AST differs. Source references are now more comprehensively stripped using `rlang::zap_srcrefs()` * S3 objects now show the base type, and no longer fails when the types are incompatible. # waldo 0.2.3 * `compare()` gains a new `max_diffs` argument that allows you to control the maximum number of differences shown. Set `max_diffs = Inf` to see all differences (#49) * Logical vectors fall back to element-by-element comparison in more cases (#51). * Long-form diff no longer confuses additions and deletions (#52, @krlmlr). # waldo 0.2.2 * Handle S4 objects that have attributes that are not slots. * Additions are now coloured blue and deletions yellow (instead of the opposite). # waldo 0.2.1 * `compare()` now labels output as `old` and `new`, since that's the most natural way to use it. * `compare()` can selectively ignore attributes by providing vector to `ignore_attr` (#45). * `print()` method gets `n` argument to allow explicitly specifying number of differences to show (@mnazarov). * Improvements to comparison display: * Zero length vectors compare robustly (#39) * Line-by-line comparisons show modifications as deletion then addition, rather than addition then deletion (#44). * Differences between numeric vectors are more robust, particularly in the presence of missing values (#43). The number of digits selected has also been slightly improved so that you're more likely to get exactly the number of digits needed. # waldo 0.2.0 * All objects: class (#26) and names (#31) are ignored when ignoring attributes. * Numeric and logical vectors: clearer display of differences. Numbers are right-aligned, and we show the numbers not the differences. * Character vectors: a trailing newline is no longer ignored (#37). * Lists: all elements of the unnamed lists are compared, not just the last! (#32) * Lists: unclassed prior to comparison (#21). * Data frames: The internal representation of row names is no longer used; instead we use the same result of `rownames()` (#23). * Environments: New `ignore_formula_env` and `ignore_function_env` arguments to ignore formula and function environments for compatibility with `all.equal()` (#24). * Expression objects: can now be compared (#29). * Calls: srcrefs and attributes are ignored. --- * `compare_proxy()` is now exported so that you can provide methods if your objects need special handling (particularly needed for objects that contain external pointers) (#22). * Fixed a partial argument name in `as.list()`. # waldo 0.1.0 * Added a `NEWS.md` file to track changes to the package.