Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations

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Documentation for package ‘tweenr’ version 2.0.2

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tweenr-package tweenr: Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations
add_keyframe Generator for keyframe based tweening
add_pause Generator for keyframe based tweening
close_state Compose tweening between states
display_ease Display an easing function
gen_along Generator for tweening along a variable
gen_at Generator for interpolating between two data frames
gen_components Generator for tweening components separately from each other
gen_events Generator for tweening the appearance of elements
gen_keyframe Generator for keyframe based tweening
get_frame Extract a frame from a generator
get_raw_frames Extract a frame from a generator
keep_state Compose tweening between states
open_state Compose tweening between states
tween Create simple tweens
tweenr tweenr: Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations
tween_along Interpolate data along a given dimension
tween_appear Tween a data.frame of appearances
tween_at Get a specific position between two states
tween_color Create simple tweens
tween_color_t Create simple tweens
tween_colour Create simple tweens
tween_colour_t Create simple tweens
tween_components Interpolate individual component
tween_constant Create simple tweens
tween_constant_t Create simple tweens
tween_date Create simple tweens
tween_datetime Create simple tweens
tween_datetime_t Create simple tweens
tween_date_t Create simple tweens
tween_elements Create frames based on individual element states
tween_events Transition in and out of events
tween_fill Fill out missing values by interpolation
tween_numeric Create simple tweens
tween_numeric_t Create simple tweens
tween_state Compose tweening between states
tween_states Tween a list of data.frames representing states
tween_t Create simple tweens