Base Classes and Functions for Phylogenetic Tree Input and Output

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Documentation for package ‘treeio’ version 1.22.0

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as.treedata.phylo as.treedata
as.treedata.pml as.treedata
as.ultrametric as.ultrametric
drop.tip drop.tip method
drop.tip,phylo drop.tip method
drop.tip,treedata drop.tip method
drop.tip-method drop.tip method
get.placements get.placements
get.placements.jplace get.placements
get.tree get.tree
get.treetext get.treetext method
get.treetext-method get.treetext method
getNodeNum getNodeNum
is.ggtree is.ggtree
isTip isTip
isTip.phylo isTip
isTip.tbl_tree isTip
isTip.treedata isTip
jplace-class Class "jplace" This class stores phylogenetic placements
label_branch_paml label_branch_paml
mask mask
merge_tree merge_tree
Nnode.treedata Nnode
Nnode2 getNodeNum
print.treedataList print
raxml2nwk raxml2nwk
read.astral read.astral
read.beast read.beast
read.beast.newick read.beast
read.codeml read.codeml
read.codeml_mlc read.codeml_mlc
read.fasta read.fasta
read.hyphy read.hyphy
read.hyphy.seq read.hyphy.seq
read.iqtree read.iqtree
read.jplace read.jplace
read.jtree read.jtree
read.mcmctree read.mcmctree
read.mega read.beast
read.mega_tabular read.mega_tabular
read.mrbayes read.beast
read.newick read.newick
read.nextstrain.json read.nextstrain.json
read.nhx read.nhx
read.paml_rst read.paml_rst
read.phylip read.phylip
read.phylip.seq read.phylip.seq
read.phylip.tree read.phylip.tree
read.phyloxml read.phyloxml
read.r8s read.r8s
read.raxml read.raxml
read.treeqza read.treeqza
rename_taxa rename_taxa
rescale_tree rescale_tree
root.treedata root
tree_subset Subset tree objects by related nodes
tree_subset.phylo Subset tree objects by related nodes
tree_subset.treedata Subset tree objects by related nodes
write.beast write.beast
write.beast.newick write.beast.newick
write.jtree write.jtree