A Tidy Tool for Phylogenetic Tree Data Manipulation

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Documentation for package ‘tidytree’ version 0.4.2

Help Pages

ancestor ancestor
ancestor.tbl_tree ancestor
as.treedata as.treedata
as.treedata.tbl_tree as.treedata
child child
child.tbl_tree child
get.data get.data method
get.data-method get.data method
get.fields get.fields method
get.fields,treedata get.fields method
get.fields-method get.fields method
get_tree_data get_tree_data
groupClade groupClade
groupOTU groupOTU
nodeid nodeid
nodelab nodelab
offspring offspring
offspring.tbl_tree offspring
parent parent
parent.tbl_tree parent
rootnode rootnode
show show method
show-method Class "treedata" This class stores phylogenetic tree with associated data
sibling sibling
treedata treedata
treedata-class Class "treedata" This class stores phylogenetic tree with associated data