A Tidy API for Graph Manipulation

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Documentation for package ‘tidygraph’ version 1.2.3

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A B C D E G I L M N P R S T U W misc

-- A --

activate Determine the context of subsequent manipulations
active Determine the context of subsequent manipulations
as_tbl_graph A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.data.frame A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.default A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.dendrogram A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.evonet A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.graphAM A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.graphBAM A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.graphNEL A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.hclust A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.igraph A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.list A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.matrix A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.network A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.Node A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
as_tbl_graph.phylo A data structure for tidy graph manipulation

-- B --

bfs_after Search a graph with depth first and breath first
bfs_before Search a graph with depth first and breath first
bfs_dist Search a graph with depth first and breath first
bfs_parent Search a graph with depth first and breath first
bfs_rank Search a graph with depth first and breath first
bind_edges Add graphs, nodes, or edges to a tbl_graph
bind_graphs Add graphs, nodes, or edges to a tbl_graph
bind_nodes Add graphs, nodes, or edges to a tbl_graph

-- C --

centrality Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_alpha Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_authority Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_betweenness Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_betweenness_communicability Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_betweenness_current Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_betweenness_network Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_betweenness_rsp_net Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_betweenness_rsp_simple Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_closeness Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_closeness_generalised Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_closeness_harmonic Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_closeness_residual Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_communicability Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_communicability_even Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_communicability_odd Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_decay Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_degree Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_edge_betweenness Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_eigen Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_expected Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_hub Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_information Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_integration Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_katz Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_manual Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_pagerank Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_power Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_random_walk Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_subgraph Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_subgraph_even Calculate node and edge centrality
centrality_subgraph_odd Calculate node and edge centrality
component_games Graph games based on connected components
context_accessors Access graph, nodes, and edges directly inside verbs
convert Create a temporary alternative representation of the graph to compute on
create_bipartite Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_chordal_ring Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_citation Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_complete Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_de_bruijn Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_empty Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_graphs Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_kautz Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_lattice Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_notable Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_path Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_ring Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_star Create different types of well-defined graphs
create_tree Create different types of well-defined graphs
crystallise Create a temporary alternative representation of the graph to compute on
crystallize Create a temporary alternative representation of the graph to compute on

-- D --

dfs_dist Search a graph with depth first and breath first
dfs_parent Search a graph with depth first and breath first
dfs_rank Search a graph with depth first and breath first
dfs_rank_out Search a graph with depth first and breath first

-- E --

edge_is_between Querying edge types
edge_is_from Querying edge types
edge_is_incident Querying edge types
edge_is_loop Querying edge types
edge_is_multiple Querying edge types
edge_is_mutual Querying edge types
edge_is_to Querying edge types
edge_types Querying edge types
evolution_games Graph games based on evolution

-- G --

graph_adhesion Graph measurements
graph_assortativity Graph measurements
graph_asym_count Graph measurements
graph_automorphisms Graph measurements
graph_clique_count Graph measurements
graph_clique_num Graph measurements
graph_component_count Graph measurements
graph_diameter Graph measurements
graph_girth Graph measurements
graph_is_bipartite Querying graph types
graph_is_chordal Querying graph types
graph_is_complete Querying graph types
graph_is_connected Querying graph types
graph_is_dag Querying graph types
graph_is_directed Querying graph types
graph_is_forest Querying graph types
graph_is_isomorphic_to Querying graph types
graph_is_simple Querying graph types
graph_is_subgraph_isomorphic_to Querying graph types
graph_is_tree Querying graph types
graph_join Join graphs on common nodes
graph_mean_dist Graph measurements
graph_measures Graph measurements
graph_min_cut Graph measurements
graph_modularity Graph measurements
graph_motif_count Graph measurements
graph_mutual_count Graph measurements
graph_order Graph measurements
graph_radius Graph measurements
graph_reciprocity Graph measurements
graph_size Graph measurements
graph_types Querying graph types
graph_unconn_count Graph measurements
group_biconnected_component Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_components Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_edge_betweenness Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_fast_greedy Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_graph Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_infomap Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_label_prop Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_leading_eigen Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_louvain Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_optimal Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_spinglass Group nodes and edges based on community structure
group_walktrap Group nodes and edges based on community structure

-- I --

is.tbl_graph A data structure for tidy graph manipulation

-- L --

local_ave_degree Measures based on the neighborhood of each node
local_graph Measures based on the neighborhood of each node
local_members Measures based on the neighborhood of each node
local_size Measures based on the neighborhood of each node
local_transitivity Measures based on the neighborhood of each node
local_triangles Measures based on the neighborhood of each node

-- M --

map_bfs Apply a function to nodes in the order of a breath first search
map_bfs_back Apply a function to nodes in the reverse order of a breath first search
map_bfs_back_chr Apply a function to nodes in the reverse order of a breath first search
map_bfs_back_dbl Apply a function to nodes in the reverse order of a breath first search
map_bfs_back_int Apply a function to nodes in the reverse order of a breath first search
map_bfs_back_lgl Apply a function to nodes in the reverse order of a breath first search
map_bfs_chr Apply a function to nodes in the order of a breath first search
map_bfs_dbl Apply a function to nodes in the order of a breath first search
map_bfs_int Apply a function to nodes in the order of a breath first search
map_bfs_lgl Apply a function to nodes in the order of a breath first search
map_dfs Apply a function to nodes in the order of a depth first search
map_dfs_back Apply a function to nodes in the reverse order of a depth first search
map_dfs_back_chr Apply a function to nodes in the reverse order of a depth first search
map_dfs_back_dbl Apply a function to nodes in the reverse order of a depth first search
map_dfs_back_int Apply a function to nodes in the reverse order of a depth first search
map_dfs_back_lgl Apply a function to nodes in the reverse order of a depth first search
map_dfs_chr Apply a function to nodes in the order of a depth first search
map_dfs_dbl Apply a function to nodes in the order of a depth first search
map_dfs_int Apply a function to nodes in the order of a depth first search
map_dfs_lgl Apply a function to nodes in the order of a depth first search
map_local Map a function over a graph representing the neighborhood of each node
map_local_chr Map a function over a graph representing the neighborhood of each node
map_local_dbl Map a function over a graph representing the neighborhood of each node
map_local_int Map a function over a graph representing the neighborhood of each node
map_local_lgl Map a function over a graph representing the neighborhood of each node
morph Create a temporary alternative representation of the graph to compute on
morphers Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs

-- N --

node_adhesion_from Calculate node pair properties
node_adhesion_to Calculate node pair properties
node_bibcoupling_with Calculate node pair properties
node_bridging_score Querying node measures
node_closeness_impact Querying node measures
node_cocitation_with Calculate node pair properties
node_cohesion_from Calculate node pair properties
node_cohesion_to Calculate node pair properties
node_connectivity_impact Querying node measures
node_constraint Querying node measures
node_coreness Querying node measures
node_distance_from Calculate node pair properties
node_distance_to Calculate node pair properties
node_diversity Querying node measures
node_dominator Node properties related to the graph topology
node_eccentricity Querying node measures
node_effective_network_size Querying node measures
node_fareness_impact Querying node measures
node_is_adjacent Querying node types
node_is_center Querying node types
node_is_cut Querying node types
node_is_isolated Querying node types
node_is_keyplayer Querying node types
node_is_leaf Querying node types
node_is_root Querying node types
node_is_simplical Querying node types
node_is_sink Querying node types
node_is_source Querying node types
node_is_universal Querying node types
node_max_flow_from Calculate node pair properties
node_max_flow_to Calculate node pair properties
node_measures Querying node measures
node_rank Calculate node ranking
node_rank_anneal Calculate node ranking
node_rank_branch_bound Calculate node ranking
node_rank_dendser Calculate node ranking
node_rank_genetic Calculate node ranking
node_rank_hclust Calculate node ranking
node_rank_leafsort Calculate node ranking
node_rank_mds Calculate node ranking
node_rank_quadratic Calculate node ranking
node_rank_spectral Calculate node ranking
node_rank_spin_in Calculate node ranking
node_rank_spin_out Calculate node ranking
node_rank_traveller Calculate node ranking
node_rank_two Calculate node ranking
node_rank_visual Calculate node ranking
node_similarity_with Calculate node pair properties
node_topology Node properties related to the graph topology
node_topo_order Node properties related to the graph topology
node_types Querying node types

-- P --

pair_measures Calculate node pair properties
play_barabasi_albert Graph games based on evolution
play_barabasi_albert_aging Graph games based on evolution
play_bipartite Graph games based on different node types
play_blocks Graph games based on connected components
play_blocks_hierarchy Graph games based on connected components
play_citation_age Graph games based on evolution
play_citation_type Graph games based on different node types
play_degree Graph games based on direct sampling
play_dotprod Graph games based on direct sampling
play_erdos_renyi Graph games based on direct sampling
play_fitness Graph games based on direct sampling
play_fitness_power Graph games based on direct sampling
play_forestfire Graph games based on evolution
play_geometry Graph games based on direct sampling
play_growing Graph games based on evolution
play_islands Graph games based on connected components
play_preference Graph games based on different node types
play_preference_asym Graph games based on different node types
play_smallworld Graph games based on connected components
play_traits Graph games based on different node types

-- R --

reroute Change terminal nodes of edges

-- S --

sampling_games Graph games based on direct sampling
search_graph Search a graph with depth first and breath first

-- T --

tbl_graph A data structure for tidy graph manipulation
to_bfs_tree Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_complement Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_components Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_contracted Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_dfs_tree Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_directed Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_dominator_tree Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_hierarchical_clusters Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_linegraph Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_local_neighborhood Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_minimum_spanning_tree Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_shortest_path Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_simple Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_split Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_subcomponent Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_subgraph Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_undirected Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
to_unfolded_tree Functions to generate alternate representations of graphs
type_games Graph games based on different node types

-- U --

unmorph Create a temporary alternative representation of the graph to compute on

-- W --

with_graph Evaluate a tidygraph algorithm in the context of a graph

-- misc --

%E>% Determine the context of subsequent manipulations
%N>% Determine the context of subsequent manipulations
.E Access graph, nodes, and edges directly inside verbs
.G Access graph, nodes, and edges directly inside verbs
.N Access graph, nodes, and edges directly inside verbs