# shiny 1.7.4 ## Full changelog ### Breaking changes * Closed #3719: Output container sizes, which are available via [`session$clientData` and `getCurrentOutputInfo()`](https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/client-data.html), no longer round to the nearest pixel (i.e., they are now more exact, possibly fractional values). (#3720) * Closed #3704, #3735, and #3740: `renderPlot()` no longer generates an error (or segfault) when it executes before the output is visible. Instead, it'll now use the graphics device's default size for it's initial size. Relatedly, `plotPNG()` now ignores `NULL` values for `width`/`height` (and uses the device's default `width`/`height` instead). (#3739) ### New features and improvements * `plotOutput()`, `imageOutput()`, and `uiOutput()` gain a `fill` argument. If `TRUE` (the default for `plotOutput()`), the output container is allowed to grow/shrink to fit a fill container (created via `htmltools::bindFillRole()`) with an opinionated height. This means `plotOutput()` will grow/shrink by default [inside of `bslib::card_body_fill()`](https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/articles/cards.html#responsive-sizing), but `imageOutput()` and `uiOutput()` will have to opt-in to similar behavior with `fill = TRUE`. (#3715) * Closed #3687: Updated jQuery-UI to v1.13.2. (#3697) * Internal: Added clearer and strict TypeScript type definitions (#3644) # shiny 1.7.3 ### Bug fixes * Shiny 1.7.0 changed the `icon(lib="fontawesome")` implementation from a bundled copy of fontawesome, to the {fontawesome} package. This led to issue #3688, where icons that were previously working, were now breaking. That's because {fontawesome} 0.3.0 and earlier did not have support for icon names used in Font Awesome 5 and earlier, only the newest icon names used in Font Awesome 6. Now, {fontawesome} 0.4.0 has restored support for those older icon names, and Shiny has updated its {fontawesome} requirement to >=0.4.0. # shiny 1.7.2 ## Full changelog ### Breaking changes * Closed #3626: `renderPlot()` (and `plotPNG()`) now uses `ragg::agg_png()` by default when the [`{ragg}` package](https://github.com/r-lib/ragg) is installed. To restore the previous behavior, set `options(shiny.useragg = FALSE)`. (#3654) ### New features and improvements * Closed #1545: `insertUI()` now executes `