# shadowtext 0.1.2 + support `aes(subset)` to compatible with `ggtree::geom_tiplab()` (2022-01-10, Mon) # shadowtext 0.1.0 + export `Shadowtext` geom, so that users can use `annotate("shadowtext")` (2021-12-20, Mon, #11) # shadowtext 0.0.9 + export `ShadowText` Geom, so that users can use e.g., `update_geom_defaults("ShadowText", list(size=28))` (2021-09-19, Sun, @bbcuffer, #9) # shadowtext 0.0.8 + use `X` to determine the strheight to fix varying shifts (2019-11-05, @rcannood, #6) # shadowtext 0.0.7 + `element_shadowtext`, so that we can use shadowtext in axis and other labels by using `theme()` (2019-09-09) # shadowtext 0.0.6 + import `ggplot2::.pt` (2019-05-30) # shadowtext 0.0.5 + import `scale::alpha` (2019-05-29) # shadowtext 0.0.4 + update docs (2018-12-07) # shadowtext 0.0.3 + compatible with `ggplot2` 3.0.1 (2018-09-29) # shadowtext 0.0.2 + add vignette (2017-10-30) # shadowtext 0.0.1 + `shadowtextGrob` and `grid.shadowtext` (2017-10-30) + `geom_shadowtext` (2017-10-27)