Deployment Interface for R Markdown Documents and Shiny Applications

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Documentation for package ‘rsconnect’ version 0.8.29

Help Pages

rsconnect-package Deployment Interface for R Markdown Documents and Shiny Applications
accountInfo Account Management Functions
accounts Account Management Functions
accountUsage Show Account Usage
addAuthorizedUser Add authorized user to application
addConnectServer Server Management Functions
addLinter Add a Linter
addServer Server Management Functions
addServerCertificate Server Management Functions
appDependencies Detect Application Dependencies
applications List Deployed Applications
authorizedUsers (Deprecated) List authorized users for an application
configureApp Configure an Application
connectApiUser Connect Api User Account
connectUser Connect User Account
deployAPI Deploy a Plumber API
deployApp Deploy an Application
deployDoc Deploy a Document
deployments List Application Deployments
deploySite Deploy a Website
deployTFModel Deploy a TensorFlow saved model
discoverServers Server Management Functions
forgetDeployment Forget Application Deployment
generateAppName Generate Application Name
lint Lint a Project
linter Create a Linter
listBundleFiles List Files to be Bundled
makeLinterMessage Construct a Linter Message
purgeApp Purge an Application
removeAccount Account Management Functions
removeAuthorizedUser Remove authorized user from an application
removeServer Server Management Functions
resendInvitation Resend invitation for invited users of an application
restartApp Restart an Application
rpubsUpload Upload a file to RPubs
rsconnect Deployment Interface for R Markdown Documents and Shiny Applications
rsconnectOptions Package Options
rsconnectPackages Using Packages with rsconnect
serverInfo Server Management Functions
servers Server Management Functions
setAccountInfo Set ShinyApps or Posit Cloud Account Info
setProperty Set Application property
showInvited List invited users for an application
showLogs Show Application Logs
showMetrics Show Application Metrics
showProperties Show Application property
showUsage Show Application Usage
showUsers List authorized users for an application
syncAppMetadata Sync Application Metadata
taskLog Show task log
tasks List Tasks
terminateApp Terminate an Application
unsetProperty Unset Application property
writeManifest Create a manifest.json describing deployment requirements.