A Poor Man's Dependency Free Recreation of 'dplyr'

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Documentation for package ‘poorman’ version 0.2.6

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A B C D E F G H I L M N P R S T U W misc

-- A --

across Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns
add_count Count observations by group
add_tally Count observations by group
all_of Select Helpers
anti_join Filtering joins filter rows from 'x' based on the presence or absence of matches in 'y':
any_of Select Helpers
arrange Arrange rows by variables

-- B --

between Do values in a numeric vector fall in specified range?
bind Efficiently bind multiple 'data.frame's by row and column
bind_cols Efficiently bind multiple 'data.frame's by row and column
bind_rows Efficiently bind multiple 'data.frame's by row and column

-- C --

case_when A General Vetorised if()
coalesce Find first non-missing element
column_to_rownames Tools for working with row names
contains Select Helpers
context Context dependent expressions
count Count observations by group
cumall Cumulative versions of any, all, and mean
cumany Cumulative versions of any, all, and mean
cume_dist Windowed Rank Functions
cummean Cumulative versions of any, all, and mean
cur_column Context dependent expressions
cur_data Context dependent expressions
cur_data_all Context dependent expressions
cur_group Context dependent expressions
cur_group_id Context dependent expressions
cur_group_rows Context dependent expressions

-- D --

dense_rank Windowed Rank Functions
desc Descending order
distinct Subset distinct/unique rows

-- E --

ends_with Select Helpers
everything Select Helpers

-- F --

filter Return rows with matching conditions
filter_joins Filtering joins filter rows from 'x' based on the presence or absence of matches in 'y':
first Extract the first, last or nth value from a vector
full_join Mutating Joins

-- G --

glimpse Get a glimpse of your data
groups Grouping metadata
group_by Group by one or more variables
group_by_drop_default Default value for .drop argument of group_by
group_cols Select Grouping Variables
group_data Grouping metadata
group_indices Grouping metadata
group_keys Split data.frame by groups
group_metadata Grouping metadata
group_rows Grouping metadata
group_size Grouping metadata
group_split Split data.frame by groups
group_vars Grouping metadata

-- H --

has_rownames Tools for working with row names

-- I --

if_all Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns
if_any Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns
if_else Vectorised if
inner_join Mutating Joins

-- L --

lag Compute lagged or leading values
last Extract the first, last or nth value from a vector
last_col Select Helpers
lead Compute lagged or leading values
left_join Mutating Joins
lst Build a list

-- M --

matches Select Helpers
min_rank Windowed Rank Functions
mutate Create or transform variables
mutate.data.frame Create or transform variables
mutate_joins Mutating Joins

-- N --

n Context dependent expressions
na_if Convert values to NA
near Compare two numeric vectors
nest_by Nest By
nth Extract the first, last or nth value from a vector
ntile Windowed Rank Functions
num_range Select Helpers
n_distinct Count the number of unique values in a set of vectors
n_groups Grouping metadata

-- P --

peek_vars Peek at variables in the selection context
percent_rank Windowed Rank Functions
pipe Forward-pipe operator
pivot_longer Pivot data from wide to long
pivot_wider Pivot data from long to wide
pull Pull out a single variable

-- R --

recode Recode values
recode_factor Recode values
relocate Change column order
remove_rownames Tools for working with row names
rename Rename columns
rename_with Rename columns
replace_na Replace missing values
right_join Mutating Joins
rowid_to_column Tools for working with row names
rownames Tools for working with row names
rownames_to_column Tools for working with row names
row_number Windowed Rank Functions

-- S --

select Subset columns using their names and types
select_helpers Select Helpers
semi_join Filtering joins filter rows from 'x' based on the presence or absence of matches in 'y':
slice Subset rows by position
slice_head Subset rows by position
slice_max Subset rows by position
slice_min Subset rows by position
slice_sample Subset rows by position
slice_tail Subset rows by position
starts_with Select Helpers
summarise Reduce multiple values down to a single value
summarize Reduce multiple values down to a single value

-- T --

tally Count observations by group
transmute Create or transform variables

-- U --

ungroup Group by one or more variables
union_all Union All
unite Unite Multiple Columns Into One

-- W --

where Select variables with a function
window_rank Windowed Rank Functions
with_groups Perform an operation with temporary groups

-- misc --

%>% Forward-pipe operator