library(gridGraphics) text1 <- function() { plot(-1:1, -1:1, type = "n", xlab = "Re", ylab = "Im") K <- 16; text(exp(1i * 2 * pi * (1:K) / K), col = 2) } text2 <- function() { ## The following two examples use latin1 characters: these may not ## appear correctly (or be omitted entirely). plot(1:10, 1:10, main = "text(...) examples\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", sub = "R is GNU ©, but not ® ...") mtext("«Latin-1 accented chars»: éè øØ å<Å æ<Æ", side = 3) points(c(6,2), c(2,1), pch = 3, cex = 4, col = "red") text(6, 2, "the text is CENTERED around (x,y) = (6,2) by default", cex = .8) text(2, 1, "or Left/Bottom - JUSTIFIED at (2,1) by 'adj = c(0,0)'", adj = c(0,0)) text(4, 9, expression(hat(beta) == (X^t * X)^{-1} * X^t * y)) text(4, 8.4, "expression(hat(beta) == (X^t * X)^{-1} * X^t * y)", cex = .75) text(4, 7, expression(bar(x) == sum(frac(x[i], n), i==1, n))) ## Two more latin1 examples text(5, 10.2, "Le français, c'est façile: Règles, Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité...") text(5, 9.8, "Jetz no chli züritüütsch: (noch ein bißchen Zürcher deutsch)") } # Test 'family' text3 <- function() { plot(1:3, type="n") families <- c("sans", "serif", "mono") for (i in 1:3) text(i, i, "test", family=families[i]) } # Test 'vfont' text4 <- function() { plot(1, type="n") text(1, 1, "test", vfont=c("serif", "plain")) } plotdiff(expression(text1()), "text-1") plotdiff(expression(text2()), "text-2", dev="png") plotdiff(expression(text3()), "text-3") plotdiff(expression(text4()), "text-4") plotdiffResult()