Package: ggfun Title: Miscellaneous Functions for 'ggplot2' Version: 0.0.9 Authors@R: c( person("Guangchuang", "Yu", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-6485-8781")), person("Shuangbin", "Xu", email = "", role = "aut", comment = c(ORCID="0000-0003-3513-5362")) ) Description: Useful functions and utilities for 'ggplot' object (e.g., geometric layers, themes, and utilities to edit the object). Imports: ggplot2, grid, rlang, utils Suggests: ggplotify, knitr, rmarkdown, prettydoc, tidyr, ggnewscale VignetteBuilder: knitr ByteCompile: true License: Artistic-2.0 Encoding: UTF-8 RoxygenNote: 7.2.2 NeedsCompilation: no Packaged: 2022-11-21 02:25:50 UTC; ygc Author: Guangchuang Yu [aut, cre, cph] (), Shuangbin Xu [aut] () Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2022-11-21 07:20:02 UTC Built: R 4.2.3; ; 2023-05-07 19:39:40 UTC; unix