# enrichplot 1.18.1 + fixed issue in `treeplot` (2022-11-18, Fri, #209) + enable `dotplot()` and `autofacet()` for `gseaResultList` object(#208) # enrichplot 1.17.4 + rename parameters of `emapplot()`, `centplot()` and `treeplot()` (2022-09-11, Sun) # enrichplot 1.17.3 + align the dots in `treeplot()` (2022-10-1, Sat) + fix a bug in color legend of `treeplot()` (2022-10-1, Sat) # enrichplot 1.17.2 + `autofacet` to automatically split `barplot` and `dotplot` into several facets (2022-09-06, Tue) + `dotplot` method for `enrichResultList` object + add parameters `hilight_category`, `alpha_hilight`, `alpha_nohilight` for `cnetplot()` and `emapplot` (2022-09-4, Sun) + change round digits of cnetplot scatterpie legend to 1 (2022_8_29, Mon). + `gsearank()` can export result as a table when `output = "table"` (2022-08-29, Mon, #184) + fix a bug in `fc_readable()` (2022-08-29, Mon, #189) + allows passing `color="NES"` to `dotplot()` for `gseaResult` object (2022-08-29, Mon, #14) # enrichplot 1.17.1 + fix a bug in https://github.com/YuLab-SMU/clusterProfiler/issues/488 (2022-08-25, Thu) + support multiple gene sets in `geom_gsea_gene` layer (2022-08-25, Thu) + `geom_gsea_gene` layer (2022-08-24, Wed) + add parameters `symbol` and `pvalue` for `heatplot.enrichResult()` (2022-08-20, Sat) + change default values of `group_category` and `node_label` in `ssplot()` (2022-07-04, Mon) + update document of `ssplot()` (2022-07-04, Mon) + `gseaplot()` and `gseaplot2()` return `gglist` object instead of plotting the figure (2022-05-05, Thu) + fix `ridgeplot` when `x@readable = TRUE` (2022-04-30, Sat) # enrichplot 1.16.0 + Bioconductor 3.15 release # enrichplot 1.15.4 + update `treeplot`: support passing rel object to `offset` and `offset_tiplab` (2022-04-24, Sun) # enrichplot 1.15.3 + export `drag_network' (2022-03-07, Mon) + update `cnetplot.enrichResult` to be supported by `drag_network`(2022-3-6, Sun) + add function `drag_network` to drag the nodes of networks (2022-2-25, Fri) + fix a bug in `goplot`: `goplot.gseaResult` need `setType` slot instead of `ontology` slot (2022-2-22, Tue) + return `gg` object instead of print it in `dotplot.compareClusterResult()` (2022-01-05, Wed, @altairwei, #160) # enrichplot 1.15.2 + add `label_format_tiplab` and `label_format_cladelab` parameters for `treeplot`(2021-12-24, Fri) + support treeplot of compareCluster(GSEA algorithm) result(2021-12-13, Mon) + support visualization of compareCluster(GSEA algorithm) result(2021-12-11, Sat) + support scientific notation for `gseaplot2`(2021-12-4, Sat) # enrichplot 1.15.1 + fixed R check by importing `utils` # enrichplot 1.14.0 + Bioconductor 3.14 release # enrichplot 1.13.2 + mv `ep_str_wrap` to `yulab.utils::str_wrap` (2021-10-13, Wed) + adjust the order of legends for `dotplot`, `emapplot`, `cnetplot` and `treeplot`(2021-10-8, Fri) + update `treeplot`: add "dotplot" and "heatmap" panels for `treeplot`(2021-9-15, Wed) + update `dotplot`: enable `size` parameter applicable to other columns of compareClusterResult(2021-9-17, Fri) + enable `label_format` parameter for `heatplot` (2021-09-01, Wed) + add `get_ggrepel_segsize` function to set `segment.size` value for `ggrepel`(2021-08-29, Sun) + update `ep_str_wrap` (2021-08-28, Sat) + `cnetplot` now works with a named list (2021-08-23, Mon; clusterProfiler#362) # enrichplot 1.13.1 + use `aplot::plot_list` instead of `cowplot::plot_grid` (2021-06-13, Sun + add `color_category` and `color_gene` parameters for `cnetplot`(2021-6-11, Fri) + Enables `showCategory` parameter to support character input in `dotplot.compareClusterResult`(2021-6-10, Thu) # enrichplot 1.12.0 + Bioconductor 3.13 release # enrichplot 1.11.3 + add function `ssplot` for similarity space plot. (2021-4-22, Thu). + Reconstruct the `emapplot` function and replace `emapplot_cluster` by `emapplot(group_category = TRUE)` + fix bug in `emapplot_cluster.enrichResult` when the number of cluster is 2 (2021-2-24, Wed). + fix bug in `treeplot`: The legend is not the right size (2021-2-6, Sat). + fix `dotplot` for `label_format` parameter doesn't work(2021-2-3, Wed). + fix bug in `gseaplot2`(2021-1-28, Thu) # enrichplot 1.11.2 + update document (2021-1-7, Thu) + update `dotplot`: replace `ggsymbol::geom_symbol` with `ggstar::geom_star`(2021-1-6, Wed) + add parameter `shadowtext` for three functions: `emapplot`, `emapplot_cluster` and `cnetplot`. (2021-1-5, Tue) + update `dotplot`: supports the use of shapes and line colors to distinguish groups (2021-1-3, Sun) + add `treeplot` function (2020-12-29, Tue) + rename function `get_ww` to `get_similarity_matrix` (2020-12-29, Tue) + move the `emapplot` related functions to emapplot_utilities.R + fix bug in `emapplot` and `cnetplot` when enrichment result is one line (2020-12-26, Sat) + fix `pairwise_termsim` for the bug of repeated filtering of `showCategory`(2020-12-23, Wed) + fix `showCategory` for `cnetplot`, `emapplot`, `emapplot_cluster` when `showCategory` is a vector of term descriptions # enrichplot 1.11.1 + add `orderBy` and `decreasing` parameters for `ridgeplot()` (2020-11-19, Thu) - + update `emapplot_cluster()` to label cluster in center by default and use `ggrepel` if setting `repel = TRUE` (2020-11-08, Mon) - + add a `label_format` parameter to support formatting label (2020-10-28, Wed) + if provided with a numeric value will simply string wrap by default + if provided with a function will instead set labels = user_defined_function() within the scale function + # enrichplot 1.10.0 + Bioconductor 3.12 release (2020-10-28, Wed) # enrichplot 1.9.5 + fix `wordcloud_i` (2020-10-15, Thu) + Remove similarity calculation from emapplot # enrichplot 1.9.4 + implement `pairwise_termsim` to calculate similarity of enriched terms (2020-10-09, Fri) - + change parameters to be more consistent - # enrichplot 1.9.3 + add `node_label_size` parameter to adjust the size of node label in `emapplot` function (2020-09-18, Fri) # enrichplot 1.9.2 + add function `emapplot_cluster` (2020-09-01, Tue) # enrichplot 1.7.3 + update `barplot` to remove using `coord_flip()` (2020-09-10, Thu) + update `cnetplot` color scale to tolerate with skewed foldchange (2020-03-13, Fri) - # enrichplot 1.7.1 + `cnetplot` for `compareClusterResult` (`compareCluster` output) (2019-12-02, Mon) + move `barplot`, `dotplot` and `fortify` methods of `compareClusterResult` from `clusterProfiler` (2019-11-2, Sat) # enrichplot 1.6.0 + Bioconductor 3.10 release # enrichplot 1.5.2 + update `node_label` parameter in `cnetplot` to support selection of subset to be labeled (2019-09-27, Fri) - + `upsetplot` for `gseaResult` (2019-09-25, Wed) + reimplement `upsetplot` based on `ggupset` # enrichplot 1.5.1 + `gseadist` for plotting logFC distribution of selected gene sets. (2019-06-25, Tue) # enrichplot 1.4.0 + Bioconductor 3.9 release # enrichplot 1.3.2 + `dotplot` supports setting `x` to other variable, e.g. NES (2019-01-10, Thu) + mv vignette to [clusterProfiler-book](https://yulab-smu.github.io/clusterProfiler-book/). # enrichplot 1.2.0 + Bioconductor 3.8 release # enrichplot 1.1.5 + `gsearank` for plotting ranked list of genes belong to specific gene set (2018-07-04, Wed) # enrichplot 1.1.4 + `base_size` parameter in `gseaplot2` (2018-06-21, Thu) # enrichplot 1.1.3 + `pmcplot` for plotting pubmed trend (2018-06-14, Thu) + `ggtable` for plotting table + `gseaplot2` now accepts a vector of `geneSetID` (2018-06-13, Wed) # enrichplot 1.1.2 + `emapplot` supports `showCategory` parameter to accept a vector of `Description` (2018-05-29, Tue) + bug fixed of `showCategory` parameter for vector of `Description` in `cnetplot` - + `gseaplot2` that mimic the figure generated by broad institute's GSEA software (2018-05-28, Mon) # enrichplot 1.1.1 + `cnetplot` supports `showCategory` parameter to accept a vector of `Description` - # enrichplot 1.0.0 + Bioconductor 3.7 release # enrichplot 0.99.14 + `node_label = TRUE` parameter in `cnetplot` (2018-04-08, Sun ) + drop NA in `dotplot` <2018-03-19, Mon> - + enable using formula to specify x axis in `dotplot` # enrichplot 0.99.13 + fixed `goplot` issue by imporint `ggraph` <2018-03-12, Mon> - - >Error in grid.Call(C_convert, x, as.integer(whatfrom), as.integer(whatto), : >invalid line type + `dotplot` now supports `orderBy` and `decreasing` parameters to specify the order of dots by `order(x[[orderBy]], decreasing=decreasing)` # enrichplot 0.99.9 + defined `upsetplot` (2018-01-30, Tue) + all visualization methods were defined as `S4` methods (2018-01-29, Mon) # enrichplot 0.99.5 + defined all visualization functions as generic functions (2018-01-03, Wed) + add `colorEdge` parameter in `cnetplot` + update docs enrichplot 0.99.3 ------------------------ + import `ggplot2::rel` to fix R check (2017-11-28, Tue) enrichplot 0.99.0 ------------------------ + ready to submit to Bioconductor (2017-11-28, Tue) enrichplot 0.0.3 ------------------------ + `heatplot` and `gseaplot` (2017-11-28, Tue) + `ridgeplot`, `barplot` and `dotplot` derived from `DOSE` (2017-11-28, Tue) + `cnetplot` (2017-11-28, Tue) enrichplot 0.0.2 ------------------------ + vignette added (2017-11-28, Tue) + `goplot` for plotting induced GO DAG (2017-11-27, Mon) enrichplot 0.0.1 ------------------------ + `emapplot` for plotting enrichment map (2017-11-23)