A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data

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Documentation for package ‘clusterProfiler’ version 4.6.2

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clusterProfiler-package statistical analysis and visualization of functional profiles for genes and gene clusters
bitr bitr
bitr_kegg bitr_kegg
browseKEGG browseKEGG
buildGOmap buildGOmap
clusterProfiler statistical analysis and visualization of functional profiles for genes and gene clusters
compareCluster Compare gene clusters functional profile
DataSet Datasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
DE_GSE8057 Datasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
download_KEGG download_KEGG
dropGO dropGO
enrichDAVID enrichDAVID
enricher enricher
enrichGO GO Enrichment Analysis of a gene set. Given a vector of genes, this function will return the enrichment GO categories after FDR control.
enrichKEGG KEGG Enrichment Analysis of a gene set. Given a vector of genes, this function will return the enrichment KEGG categories with FDR control.
enrichMKEGG KEGG Module Enrichment Analysis of a gene set. Given a vector of genes, this function will return the enrichment KEGG Module categories with FDR control.
enrichWP enrichWP
gcSample Datasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
get_wp_organisms get_wp_organism
Gff2GeneTable Gff2GeneTable
go2ont go2ont
go2term go2term
gofilter gofilter
groupGO Functional Profile of a gene set at specific GO level. Given a vector of genes, this function will return the GO profile at a specific level.
groupGOResult-class Class "groupGOResult" This class represents the result of functional Profiles of a set of gene at specific GO level.
gseGO gseGO
gseWP gseWP
gson_GO gson_KEGG
gson_KEGG gson_KEGG
gson_KEGG_mapper Build KEGG annotation for novel species using KEGG Mapper
gson_WP gson_WP
idType idType
kegg_species Datasets gcSample contains a sample of gene clusters.
ko2name ko2name
merge_result merge_result
parse_gff parse_gff
plotGOgraph plotGOgraph
search_kegg_organism search_kegg_organism
show-method Class "groupGOResult" This class represents the result of functional Profiles of a set of gene at specific GO level.
simplify simplify method
simplify-method simplify method
uniprot_get uniprot_get