biomartr-package |
Genomic Data Retrieval |
biomart |
Main BioMart Query Function |
biomartr |
Genomic Data Retrieval |
check_annotation_biomartr |
Check whether an annotation file contains outlier lines |
clean.retrieval |
Format 'meta.retrieval' output |
download.database |
Download a NCBI Database to Your Local Hard Drive |
download.database.all |
Download all elements of an NCBI databse |
getAssemblyStats |
Genome Assembly Stats Retrieval |
getAttributes |
Retrieve All Available Attributes for a Specific Dataset |
getCDS |
Coding Sequence Retrieval |
getCDSSet |
CDS retrieval of multiple species |
getCollection |
Retrieve a Collection: Genome, Proteome, CDS, RNA, GFF, Repeat Masker, AssemblyStats |
getCollectionSet |
Retrieve a Collection: Genome, Proteome, CDS, RNA, GFF, Repeat Masker, AssemblyStats of multiple species |
getDatasets |
Retrieve All Available Datasets for a BioMart Database |
getENSEMBL.gtf |
Helper function for retrieving gff files from ENSEMBL |
getENSEMBL.Seq |
Helper function for retrieving biological sequence files from ENSEMBL |
Retrieve ENSEMBLGENOMES info file |
getENSEMBLInfo |
Retrieve ENSEMBL info file |
getFilters |
Retrieve All Available Filters for a Specific Dataset |
getGenome |
Genome Retrieval |
getGenomeSet |
Genome Retrieval of multiple species |
getGFF |
Genome Annotation Retrieval (GFF3) |
getGFFSet |
GFF retrieval of multiple species |
getGO |
Gene Ontology Query |
getGroups |
Retrieve available groups for a kingdom of life (only available for NCBI RefSeq and NCBI Genbank) |
getGTF |
Genome Annotation Retrieval (GTF) |
getKingdomAssemblySummary |
Retrieve and summarise the assembly_summary.txt files from NCBI for all kingdoms |
getKingdoms |
Retrieve available kingdoms of life |
getMarts |
Retrieve information about available Ensembl Biomart databases |
getMetaGenomeAnnotations |
Retrieve annotation *.gff files for metagenomes from NCBI Genbank |
getMetaGenomes |
Retrieve metagenomes from NCBI Genbank |
getMetaGenomeSummary |
Retrieve the assembly_summary.txt file from NCBI genbank metagenomes |
getProteome |
Proteome Retrieval |
getProteomeSet |
Proteome retrieval of multiple species |
getReleases |
Retrieve available database releases or versions of ENSEMBL |
getRepeatMasker |
Repeat Masker Retrieval |
getRNA |
RNA Sequence Retrieval |
getRNASet |
RNA Retrieval of multiple species |
getSummaryFile |
Helper function to retrieve the assembly_summary.txt file from NCBI |
is.genome.available |
Check Genome Availability |
listDatabases |
Retrieve a List of Available NCBI Databases for Download |
listGenomes |
List All Available Genomes either by kingdom, group, or subgroup |
listGroups |
List number of available genomes in each taxonomic group |
listKingdoms |
List number of available genomes in each kingdom of life |
listMetaGenomes |
List available metagenomes on NCBI Genbank |
listNCBIDatabases |
Retrieve a List of Available NCBI Databases for Download |
meta.retrieval |
Perform Meta-Genome Retrieval |
meta.retrieval.all |
Perform Meta-Genome Retrieval of all organisms in all kingdoms of life |
organismAttributes |
Retrieve Ensembl Biomart attributes for a query organism |
organismBM |
Retrieve Ensembl Biomart marts and datasets for a query organism |
organismFilters |
Retrieve Ensembl Biomart filters for a qyery organism |
read_assemblystats |
Import Genome Assembly Stats File |
read_cds |
Import CDS as Biostrings or data.table object |
read_genome |
Import Genome Assembly as Biostrings or data.table object |
read_gff |
Import GFF File |
read_proteome |
Import Proteome as Biostrings or data.table object |
read_rm |
Import Repeat Masker output file |
read_rna |
Import RNA as Biostrings or data.table object |
refseqOrganisms |
Retrieve All Organism Names Stored on refseq |
summary_cds |
Retrieve summary statistics for a coding sequence (CDS) file |
summary_genome |
Retrieve summary statistics for a genome assembly file |