abstText |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
abstText-method |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
ACC2homology |
DEPRECATED Functions that find the homology data for a given set of LocusLink ids or HomoloGeneIDs |
accessionToUID |
A function to convert accession values to NCBI UIDs. |
Provides statistics on the types of ids used for the ACCNUM environment of a given data package |
allValidKeys |
Get or verify valid IDs for a package or OrgDb object. |
allValidKeys-method |
Get or verify valid IDs for a package or OrgDb object. |
annotate-defunct |
Defunct Functions in Package 'annotate' |
annPkgName |
Get annotation package name from chip name |
aqListGOIDs |
List GO Identifiers by GO Ontology |
articleTitle |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
articleTitle-method |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
authors |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
authors-method |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
checkArgs |
A function to locate neighboring genes within a defined range around a target gene represented by a Entrez Gene ID |
chrCats |
Returns a list of chromosome locations from a MAP environment |
chromInfo |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
chromInfo-method |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
chromLengths |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
chromLengths-method |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
chromLocation |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
chromLocation-class |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
chromLocs |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
chromLocs-method |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
chromNames |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
chromNames-method |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
clearRepository |
Functions to add arbitrary repositories |
compatibleVersions |
function to check to see if the packages represented by the names passed have the same version number |
createLLChrCats |
Returns a list of chromosome locations from a MAP environment |
createMAPIncMat |
Returns a list of chromosome locations from a MAP environment |
genbank |
A function to open the browser to Genbank with the selected gene. |
genelocator |
Defunct Functions in Package 'annotate' |
geneSymbols |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
geneSymbols-method |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
getAnnMap |
Get annotation map |
getBoundary |
A function to locate neighboring genes within a defined range around a target gene represented by a Entrez Gene ID |
getCells |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getEG |
Functions to deal with Data Packages |
getEvidence |
Get the Evidence codes for a set of GO terms. |
getGI |
Queries the NCBI database to obtain the sequence for a given GenBank Accession number |
getGO |
Functions to deal with Data Packages |
getGOChildren |
Functions to Access GO data. |
getGOdesc |
Functions to deal with Data Packages |
getGOOntology |
Functions to Access GO data. |
getGOParents |
Functions to Access GO data. |
getGOTerm |
Functions to Access GO data. |
getGPLNames |
Function to extract data from the GEO web site |
getLL |
Functions to deal with Data Packages |
getOntology |
Get GO terms for a specified ontology |
getOrgNameNCode |
Functions to map to organism IDs used by NCBI homology. |
getPMID |
Functions to deal with Data Packages |
getPMInfo |
extract publication details and abstract from annotate::pubmed function output |
getQuery4Affy |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getQuery4EN |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getQuery4ENSEMBL |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getQuery4FB |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getQuery4GB |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getQuery4LL |
Defunct Functions in Package 'annotate' |
getQuery4OMIM |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getQuery4SP |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getQuery4TR |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getQuery4UG |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getQueryLink |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getRepositories |
Functions to add arbitrary repositories |
getSAGEFileInfo |
Function to extract data from the GEO web site |
Function to extract data from the GEO web site |
getSEQ |
Queries the NCBI database to obtain the sequence for a given GenBank Accession number |
Functions to deal with Data Packages |
getTDRows |
Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file |
getUniqAnnItem |
Functions to deal with Data Packages |
getValidChr |
A function to locate neighboring genes within a defined range around a target gene represented by a Entrez Gene ID |
GO2heatmap |
Compute a heatmap for the specified data, for either a GO category or a KEGG pathway. |
GOmnplot |
A function to plot by group means against each other. |
p2LL |
A function to map from probes to unique Entrez Gene IDs |
pageText |
Classes to represent HTML pages |
pageText-method |
Classes to represent HTML pages |
pageTitle |
Classes to represent HTML pages |
pageTitle-method |
Classes to represent HTML pages |
pm.abstGrep |
An interface to grep for PubMed abstracts. |
pm.getabst |
Obtain the abstracts for a set PubMed list. |
pm.titles |
Obtain the titles of the PubMed abstracts. |
pmAbst2HTML |
HTML Generation for PubMed Abstracts |
pmid |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
pmid-method |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
pmid2MIAME |
use web to populate MIAME instance with pubmed details |
PMIDAmat |
A function to compute the probe to PubMed id incidence matrix. |
pmidQuery |
A function to query PubMed |
probesByLL |
Defunct Functions in Package 'annotate' |
probesToChrom |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
probesToChrom-method |
Class chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their chromosome mappings. |
pubDate |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
pubDate-method |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
pubmed |
A function to open the browser to Pubmed with the selected gene. |
pubMedAbst |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
pubMedAbst-class |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
pubMedAbst-method |
Class pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and methods for processing them. |
PWAmat |
A function to compute the probe to KEGG pathway incidence matrix. |