Mapping, quantification and variant analysis of sequencing data

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Documentation for package ‘Rsubread’ version 2.12.3

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align Align Sequence Reads to a Reference Genome via Seed-and-Vote
atgcContent Calculate Percentages of Nucleotides in Reads
buildindex Build Index for a Reference Genome
cellCounts Map and quantify single-cell RNA-seq data generated by 10X Genomics
detectionCall Determine Detection P Values for Each Gene in an RNA-seq Dataset
detectionCallAnnotation Generate Annotation Data Used for Calculating Detection P Values
exactSNP Accurately and Efficiently call SNPs
featureCounts Count Reads by Genomic Features
findCommonVariants Finding the Common Variants Among All Input VCF Files
flattenGTF Flatten Features in GTF or GFF Annotation Files
getInBuiltAnnotation Retrieve inbuilt gene annotations
processExons Obtain Chromosomal Coordiates of Each Exon Using NCBI Annotation
promoterRegions Generate Annotation for Promoter Regions of Genes
propmapped Calculate the Proportion of Mapped Reads or Fragments in SAM/BAM Files
qualityScores Extract Quality Score Data in a Sequencing Read Dataset
removeDupReads Remove Sequencing Reads Mapped to Identical Locations
repair Re-Order Paired-End Reads to Place Reads
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sam2bed Convert a SAM Format File to a BED File
scanFasta Generate Simulated Reads from a Set of Transcripts
simReads Generate Simulated Reads from a Set of Transcripts
subjunc Align Sequence Reads to a Reference Genome via Seed-and-Vote
sublong Align Long Sequence Reads to a Reference Genome via Seed-and-Vote
txUnique Count Number of Bases Unique to Each Transcript