align |
Align Sequence Reads to a Reference Genome via Seed-and-Vote |
atgcContent |
Calculate Percentages of Nucleotides in Reads |
buildindex |
Build Index for a Reference Genome |
cellCounts |
Map and quantify single-cell RNA-seq data generated by 10X Genomics |
detectionCall |
Determine Detection P Values for Each Gene in an RNA-seq Dataset |
detectionCallAnnotation |
Generate Annotation Data Used for Calculating Detection P Values |
exactSNP |
Accurately and Efficiently call SNPs |
featureCounts |
Count Reads by Genomic Features |
findCommonVariants |
Finding the Common Variants Among All Input VCF Files |
flattenGTF |
Flatten Features in GTF or GFF Annotation Files |
getInBuiltAnnotation |
Retrieve inbuilt gene annotations |
processExons |
Obtain Chromosomal Coordiates of Each Exon Using NCBI Annotation |
promoterRegions |
Generate Annotation for Promoter Regions of Genes |
propmapped |
Calculate the Proportion of Mapped Reads or Fragments in SAM/BAM Files |
qualityScores |
Extract Quality Score Data in a Sequencing Read Dataset |
removeDupReads |
Remove Sequencing Reads Mapped to Identical Locations |
repair |
Re-Order Paired-End Reads to Place Reads |
RsubreadUsersGuide |
View Rsubread Users Guide |
sam2bed |
Convert a SAM Format File to a BED File |
scanFasta |
Generate Simulated Reads from a Set of Transcripts |
simReads |
Generate Simulated Reads from a Set of Transcripts |
subjunc |
Align Sequence Reads to a Reference Genome via Seed-and-Vote |
sublong |
Align Long Sequence Reads to a Reference Genome via Seed-and-Vote |
txUnique |
Count Number of Bases Unique to Each Transcript |