// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // // Copyright 2008-2016 Conrad Sanderson (http://conradsanderson.id.au) // Copyright 2008-2016 National ICT Australia (NICTA) // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if !defined(ARMA_WARN_LEVEL) #define ARMA_WARN_LEVEL 2 #endif //// The level of warning messages printed to ARMA_CERR_STREAM. //// Must be an integer >= 0. The default value is 2. //// 0 = no warnings; generally not recommended //// 1 = only critical warnings about arguments and/or data which are likely to lead to incorrect results //// 2 = as per level 1, and warnings about poorly conditioned systems (low rcond) detected by solve(), spsolve(), etc //// 3 = as per level 2, and warnings about failed decompositions, failed saving/loading, etc // #define ARMA_USE_WRAPPER //// Comment out the above line if you prefer to directly link with BLAS, LAPACK, etc //// instead of the Armadillo runtime library. //// You will need to link your programs directly with -lopenblas -llapack instead of -larmadillo #if !defined(ARMA_USE_LAPACK) #define ARMA_USE_LAPACK //// Comment out the above line if you don't have LAPACK or a high-speed replacement for LAPACK, //// such as OpenBLAS, Intel MKL, or the Accelerate framework. //// LAPACK is required for matrix decompositions (eg. SVD) and matrix inverse. #endif #if !defined(ARMA_USE_BLAS) #define ARMA_USE_BLAS //// Comment out the above line if you don't have BLAS or a high-speed replacement for BLAS, //// such as OpenBLAS, Intel MKL, or the Accelerate framework. //// BLAS is used for matrix multiplication. //// Without BLAS, matrix multiplication will still work, but might be slower. #endif #if !defined(ARMA_USE_NEWARP) #define ARMA_USE_NEWARP //// Uncomment the above line to enable the built-in partial emulation of ARPACK. //// This is used for eigen decompositions of real (non-complex) sparse matrices, eg. eigs_sym(), svds() #endif #if !defined(ARMA_USE_ARPACK) // #define ARMA_USE_ARPACK //// Uncomment the above line if you have ARPACK or a high-speed replacement for ARPACK. //// ARPACK is required for eigen decompositions of complex sparse matrices #endif #if !defined(ARMA_USE_SUPERLU) // #define ARMA_USE_SUPERLU //// Uncomment the above line if you have SuperLU. //// SuperLU is used for solving sparse linear systems via spsolve() //// Caveat: only SuperLU version 5.2 can be used! #endif #if !defined(ARMA_SUPERLU_INCLUDE_DIR) // #define ARMA_SUPERLU_INCLUDE_DIR /usr/include/ //// If you're using SuperLU and want to explicitly include the SuperLU headers, //// uncomment the above define and specify the appropriate include directory. //// Make sure the directory has a trailing / #endif #if !defined(ARMA_USE_ATLAS) // #define ARMA_USE_ATLAS //// NOTE: support for ATLAS is deprecated and will be removed. #endif #if !defined(ARMA_USE_HDF5) // #define ARMA_USE_HDF5 //// Uncomment the above line to allow the ability to save and load matrices stored in HDF5 format; //// the hdf5.h header file must be available on your system, //// and you will need to link with the hdf5 library (eg. -lhdf5) #endif #if !defined(ARMA_USE_FFTW3) // #define ARMA_USE_FFTW3 //// Uncomment the above line to allow the use of the FFTW3 library by fft() and ifft() functions; //// you will need to link with the FFTW3 library (eg. -lfftw3) #endif #if defined(ARMA_USE_FFTW) #error "use ARMA_USE_FFTW3 instead of ARMA_USE_FFTW" #endif // #define ARMA_BLAS_CAPITALS //// Uncomment the above line if your BLAS and LAPACK libraries have capitalised function names #define ARMA_BLAS_UNDERSCORE //// Uncomment the above line if your BLAS and LAPACK libraries have function names with a trailing underscore. //// Conversely, comment it out if the function names don't have a trailing underscore. // #define ARMA_BLAS_LONG //// Uncomment the above line if your BLAS and LAPACK libraries use "long" instead of "int" // #define ARMA_BLAS_LONG_LONG //// Uncomment the above line if your BLAS and LAPACK libraries use "long long" instead of "int" // #define ARMA_BLAS_NOEXCEPT //// Uncomment the above line if you require BLAS functions to have the 'noexcept' specification // #define ARMA_LAPACK_NOEXCEPT //// Uncomment the above line if you require LAPACK functions to have the 'noexcept' specification #define ARMA_USE_FORTRAN_HIDDEN_ARGS //// Comment out the above line to call BLAS and LAPACK functions without using so-called "hidden" arguments. //// Fortran functions (compiled without a BIND(C) declaration) that have char arguments //// (like many BLAS and LAPACK functions) also have associated "hidden" arguments. //// For each char argument, the corresponding "hidden" argument specifies the number of characters. //// These "hidden" arguments are typically tacked onto the end of function definitions. // #define ARMA_USE_TBB_ALLOC //// Uncomment the above line to use Intel TBB scalable_malloc() and scalable_free() instead of standard malloc() and free() // #define ARMA_USE_MKL_ALLOC //// Uncomment the above line to use Intel MKL mkl_malloc() and mkl_free() instead of standard malloc() and free() // #define ARMA_USE_MKL_TYPES //// Uncomment the above line to use Intel MKL types for complex numbers. //// You will need to include appropriate MKL headers before the Armadillo header. //// You may also need to enable or disable the following options: //// ARMA_BLAS_LONG, ARMA_BLAS_LONG_LONG, ARMA_USE_FORTRAN_HIDDEN_ARGS #if !defined(ARMA_USE_OPENMP) // #define ARMA_USE_OPENMP //// Uncomment the above line to forcefully enable use of OpenMP for parallelisation. //// Note that ARMA_USE_OPENMP is automatically enabled when a compiler supporting OpenMP 3.1 is detected. #endif #if !defined(ARMA_64BIT_WORD) // #define ARMA_64BIT_WORD //// Uncomment the above line if you require matrices/vectors capable of holding more than 4 billion elements. //// Note that ARMA_64BIT_WORD is automatically enabled when std::size_t has 64 bits and ARMA_32BIT_WORD is not defined. #endif #if !defined(ARMA_OPTIMISE_BAND) #define ARMA_OPTIMISE_BAND //// Comment out the above line to disable optimised handling //// of band matrices by solve() and chol() #endif #if !defined(ARMA_OPTIMISE_SYM) #define ARMA_OPTIMISE_SYM //// Comment out the above line to disable optimised handling //// of symmetric/hermitian matrices by various functions: //// solve(), inv(), pinv(), expmat(), logmat(), sqrtmat(), rcond(), rank() #endif #if !defined(ARMA_OPTIMISE_INVEXPR) #define ARMA_OPTIMISE_INVEXPR //// Comment out the above line to disable optimised handling //// of inv() and inv_sympd() within compound expressions #endif #if !defined(ARMA_CHECK_NONFINITE) #define ARMA_CHECK_NONFINITE //// Comment out the above line to disable checking for nonfinite matrices #endif #if !defined(ARMA_MAT_PREALLOC) #define ARMA_MAT_PREALLOC 16 #endif //// This is the number of preallocated elements used by matrices and vectors; //// it must be an integer that is at least 1. //// If you mainly use lots of very small vectors (eg. <= 4 elements), //// change the number to the size of your vectors. #if !defined(ARMA_OPENMP_THRESHOLD) #define ARMA_OPENMP_THRESHOLD 320 #endif //// The minimum number of elements in a matrix to allow OpenMP based parallelisation; //// it must be an integer that is at least 1. #if !defined(ARMA_OPENMP_THREADS) #define ARMA_OPENMP_THREADS 8 #endif //// The maximum number of threads to use for OpenMP based parallelisation; //// it must be an integer that is at least 1. // #define ARMA_NO_DEBUG //// Uncomment the above line to disable all run-time checks. NOT RECOMMENDED. //// It is strongly recommended that run-time checks are enabled during development, //// as this greatly aids in finding mistakes in your code. // #define ARMA_EXTRA_DEBUG //// Uncomment the above line to see the function traces of how Armadillo evaluates expressions. //// This is mainly useful for debugging of the library. #if defined(ARMA_EXTRA_DEBUG) #undef ARMA_NO_DEBUG #undef ARMA_WARN_LEVEL #define ARMA_WARN_LEVEL 3 #endif #if defined(ARMA_DEFAULT_OSTREAM) #pragma message ("WARNING: support for ARMA_DEFAULT_OSTREAM is deprecated and will be removed;") #pragma message ("WARNING: use ARMA_COUT_STREAM and ARMA_CERR_STREAM instead") #endif #if !defined(ARMA_COUT_STREAM) #if defined(ARMA_DEFAULT_OSTREAM) // for compatibility with earlier versions of Armadillo #define ARMA_COUT_STREAM ARMA_DEFAULT_OSTREAM #else #define ARMA_COUT_STREAM std::cout #endif #endif #if !defined(ARMA_CERR_STREAM) #if defined(ARMA_DEFAULT_OSTREAM) // for compatibility with earlier versions of Armadillo #define ARMA_CERR_STREAM ARMA_DEFAULT_OSTREAM #else #define ARMA_CERR_STREAM std::cerr #endif #endif #if !defined(ARMA_PRINT_EXCEPTIONS) // #define ARMA_PRINT_EXCEPTIONS #if defined(ARMA_PRINT_EXCEPTIONS_INTERNAL) #undef ARMA_PRINT_EXCEPTIONS #define ARMA_PRINT_EXCEPTIONS #endif #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_LAPACK) #undef ARMA_USE_LAPACK #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_BLAS) #undef ARMA_USE_BLAS #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_NEWARP) || !defined(ARMA_USE_LAPACK) #undef ARMA_USE_NEWARP #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_ARPACK) #undef ARMA_USE_ARPACK #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_SUPERLU) #undef ARMA_USE_SUPERLU #undef ARMA_SUPERLU_INCLUDE_DIR #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_ATLAS) #undef ARMA_USE_ATLAS #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_HDF5) #undef ARMA_USE_HDF5 #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_FFTW3) #undef ARMA_USE_FFTW3 #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_WRAPPER) #undef ARMA_USE_WRAPPER #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_FORTRAN_HIDDEN_ARGS) #undef ARMA_USE_FORTRAN_HIDDEN_ARGS #endif #if !defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_STD_MUTEX) // #define ARMA_DONT_USE_STD_MUTEX //// Uncomment the above line to disable use of std::mutex #endif // for compatibility with earlier versions of Armadillo #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_CXX11_MUTEX) #pragma message ("WARNING: support for ARMA_DONT_USE_CXX11_MUTEX is deprecated and will be removed;") #pragma message ("WARNING: use ARMA_DONT_USE_STD_MUTEX instead") #undef ARMA_DONT_USE_STD_MUTEX #define ARMA_DONT_USE_STD_MUTEX #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_OPENMP) #undef ARMA_USE_OPENMP #endif #if defined(ARMA_USE_WRAPPER) #if !defined(ARMA_USE_EXTERN_RNG) // #define ARMA_USE_EXTERN_RNG #endif #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_EXTERN_RNG) #undef ARMA_USE_EXTERN_RNG #endif // for compatibility with earlier versions of Armadillo #if defined(ARMA_DONT_USE_EXTERN_CXX11_RNG) #pragma message ("WARNING: support for ARMA_DONT_USE_EXTERN_CXX11_RNG is deprecated and will be removed;") #pragma message ("WARNING: use ARMA_DONT_USE_EXTERN_RNG instead") #undef ARMA_USE_EXTERN_RNG #endif #if defined(ARMA_32BIT_WORD) #undef ARMA_64BIT_WORD #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_OPTIMISE_BAND) || defined(ARMA_DONT_OPTIMISE_SOLVE_BAND) #undef ARMA_OPTIMISE_BAND #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_OPTIMISE_SYM) || defined(ARMA_DONT_OPTIMISE_SYMPD) || defined(ARMA_DONT_OPTIMISE_SOLVE_SYMPD) #undef ARMA_OPTIMISE_SYM #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_OPTIMISE_INVEXPR) #undef ARMA_OPTIMISE_INVEXPR #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_CHECK_NONFINITE) #undef ARMA_CHECK_NONFINITE #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_PRINT_ERRORS) #pragma message ("INFO: support for ARMA_DONT_PRINT_ERRORS option has been removed") #if defined(ARMA_PRINT_EXCEPTIONS) #pragma message ("INFO: suggest to use ARMA_WARN_LEVEL and ARMA_DONT_PRINT_EXCEPTIONS options instead") #else #pragma message ("INFO: suggest to use ARMA_WARN_LEVEL option instead") #endif #pragma message ("INFO: see the documentation for details") #endif #if defined(ARMA_DONT_PRINT_EXCEPTIONS) #undef ARMA_PRINT_EXCEPTIONS #endif #if !defined(ARMA_DONT_ZERO_INIT) // #define ARMA_DONT_ZERO_INIT //// Uncomment the above line to disable initialising elements to zero during construction of dense matrices and cubes #endif #if defined(ARMA_NO_CRIPPLED_LAPACK) #undef ARMA_CRIPPLED_LAPACK #endif // if Armadillo was installed on this system via CMake and ARMA_USE_WRAPPER is not defined, // ARMA_AUX_LIBS lists the libraries required by Armadillo on this system, and // ARMA_AUX_INCDIRS lists the include directories required by Armadillo on this system. // Do not use these unless you know what you are doing. #define ARMA_AUX_LIBS #define ARMA_AUX_INCDIRS