HDO.db Bioconductor annotation data package HDOALIAS Map from HDO alias to HDO terms HDOANCESTOR Annotation of HDO Identifiers to their Ancestors HDOCHILDREN Annotation of HDO Identifiers to their Children HDODb-class AnnotationDb objects and their progeny, methods etc. HDOMAPCOUNTS Number of mapped keys for the maps in package HDO.db HDOOBSOLETE Annotation of HDO identifiers by terms defined by Disease Ontology Consortium and their status are obsolete HDOOFFSPRING Annotation of HDO Identifiers to their Offspring HDOPARENTS Annotation of HDO Identifiers to their Parents HDOSYNONYM Map from HDO synonyms to HDO terms HDOTERM Annotation of HDO Identifiers to HDO Terms HDO_dbconn Collect information about the package annotation DB HDOmetadata Annotation of HDO Identifiers to HDO Terms