DOSE-package | Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment analysis Implemented five methods proposed by Resnik, Schlicker, Jiang, Lin and Wang respectively for measuring DO semantic similarities, and hypergeometric test for enrichment analysis. |
clusterSim | clusterSim |
compareClusterResult-class | Class "compareClusterResult" This class represents the comparison result of gene clusters by GO categories at specific level or GO enrichment analysis. |
computeIC | compute information content |
DataSet | Datasets |
DGN_PATHID2NAME | Datasets |
DO2ALLEG | Datasets |
DO2EG | Datasets |
DOIC | Datasets |
DOLite2EG | Datasets |
DOLiteTerm | Datasets |
DOSE | Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment analysis Implemented five methods proposed by Resnik, Schlicker, Jiang, Lin and Wang respectively for measuring DO semantic similarities, and hypergeometric test for enrichment analysis. |
doSim | doSim |
dotbl | Datasets |
EG2ALLDO | Datasets |
EG2DO | Datasets |
EG2DOLite | Datasets |
enrichDGN | Enrichment analysis based on the DisGeNET (<>) |
enrichDGNv | enrichDGN |
enrichDO | DO Enrichment Analysis |
enricher_internal | enrich.internal |
enrichNCG | enrichNCG |
enrichResult-class | Class "enrichResult" This class represents the result of enrichment analysis. |
gene2DO | convert Gene ID to DO Terms |
geneID | geneID generic |
geneInCategory | geneInCategory generic |
geneList | Datasets |
geneSim | geneSim |
gseahResult-class | Class "gseaResult" This class represents the result of GSEA analysis |
gseaResult-class | Class "gseaResult" This class represents the result of GSEA analysis |
GSEA_internal | GSEA_internal |
gseDGN | DisGeNET Gene Set Enrichment Analysis |
gseDO | DO Gene Set Enrichment Analysis |
gseNCG | NCG Gene Set Enrichment Analysis |
gsfilter | gsfilter |
mclusterSim | mclusterSim |
NCG_PATHID2NAME | Datasets |
parse_ratio | parse_ratio |
plot-method | Class "compareClusterResult" This class represents the comparison result of gene clusters by GO categories at specific level or GO enrichment analysis. |
rebuildAnnoData | rebuiding annotation data |
setReadable | setReadable |
show | show method |
show-method | Class "compareClusterResult" This class represents the comparison result of gene clusters by GO categories at specific level or GO enrichment analysis. |
show-method | Class "enrichResult" This class represents the result of enrichment analysis. |
show-method | Class "gseaResult" This class represents the result of GSEA analysis |
simplot | simplot |
summary | summary method |
summary-method | Class "compareClusterResult" This class represents the comparison result of gene clusters by GO categories at specific level or GO enrichment analysis. |
summary-method | Class "enrichResult" This class represents the result of enrichment analysis. |
summary-method | Class "gseaResult" This class represents the result of GSEA analysis |
theme_dose | theme_dose |