# fastqcr 0.1.3 ## Minor changes - Using `select()` in place of the deprecated `select_()` function in `qc_aggregate()` and `qc_problems()` (#24) - Using `arrange()` and `group_by()` in place of the deprecated `arrange_()` and `group_by()_` functions in `qc_problems()` - Changing http to https for urls concerning fastc installation and documentation - `qc_read_collection()` and `qc_plot_collection()` examples reduced to less than 5 seconds ## Bug fixes - Remove extra args (`fill`) in `left_join()` from `qc_aggregate()` function (#23) # fastqcr 0.1.2 ## Bug fixes - Revert "Fix for readr 1.2.0": readr 1.3.0 changes the skip line behavior to match that of readr 1.1.1, the change in 1.2.0 was determined to be too disruptive (@jimhester, [#11](https://github.com/kassambara/fastqcr/pull/11)). # fastqcr 0.1.1 ## New features New functions added to read and plot a collection of samples together: - `qc_read_collection()` (@MahShaaban , [#4](https://github.com/kassambara/fastqcr/pull/4)) - `qc_plot_collection()` (@MahShaaban , [#4](https://github.com/kassambara/fastqcr/pull/5)) When possible, the data from multiple samples are overlayed on a single graph and otherwise on multiple facets (when there is more than one line in a one sample plot). As with plotting the single file modules, the function `qc_plot_collection()` dispatches on the appropriate class `qc_read_collection()` and calls the internals corresponding to the input of the argument modules. ## Bug fixes - Fix for readr 1.2.0 (@jimhester, [#7](https://github.com/kassambara/fastqcr/pull/7)) ## Minor changes - New argument `fastqc.path` added to the function `fastqc()`. ## Bug fixes # fastqcr 0.1.0 ## Bug fixes - Now, `qc_report()` handles better relative paths to FastQC zipfiles ([@ACharbonneau, #1](https://github.com/kassambara/fastqcr/issues/1)) ## New features - **fastqc_install**(): Install the latest version of FastQC tool on Unix systems (MAC OSX and Linux) - **fastqc**(): Run the FastQC tool from R. - **qc <- qc_aggregate**(): Aggregate multiple FastQC reports into a data frame. - **summary**(qc): Generates a summary of qc_aggregate. - **qc_stats**(qc): General statistics of FastQC reports. - **qc_fails**(qc): Displays samples or modules that failed. - **qc_warns**(qc): Displays samples or modules that warned. - **qc_problems**(qc, "sample"): Union of **qc_fails**() and **qc_warns**(). Display which samples or modules that failed or warned. - **qc\_read**(): Read FastQC data into R. - **qc\_plot**(qc): Plot FastQC data - **qc\_report**(): Create an HTML file containing FastQC reports of one or multiple files. Inputs can be either a directory containing multiple FastQC reports or a single sample FastQC report. - **qc\_unzip**(): Unzip all zipped files in the qc.dir directory.