Package: BiocGenerics Title: S4 generic functions used in Bioconductor Description: The package defines many S4 generic functions used in Bioconductor. biocViews: Infrastructure URL: BugReports: Version: 0.44.0 License: Artistic-2.0 Encoding: UTF-8 Author: The Bioconductor Dev Team Maintainer: Hervé Pagès Depends: R (>= 4.0.0), methods, utils, graphics, stats Imports: methods, utils, graphics, stats Suggests: Biobase, S4Vectors, IRanges, GenomicRanges, DelayedArray, Biostrings, Rsamtools, AnnotationDbi, affy, affyPLM, DESeq2, flowClust, MSnbase, annotate, RUnit Collate: S3-classes-as-S4-classes.R utils.R normarg-utils.R replaceSlots.R aperm.R append.R as.list.R as.vector.R cbind.R colSums.R duplicated.R eval.R Extremes.R format.R funprog.R get.R grep.R is.unsorted.R lapply.R mapply.R match.R mean.R nrow.R order.R paste.R rank.R rep.R row_colnames.R sets.R sort.R start.R subset.R t.R table.R tapply.R unique.R unlist.R unsplit.R relist.R var.R which.R which.min.R boxplot.R image.R density.R IQR.R mad.R residuals.R weights.R xtabs.R annotation.R combine.R dbconn.R dge.R dims.R fileName.R normalize.R Ontology.R organism_species.R path.R plotMA.R plotPCA.R score.R strand.R toTable.R type.R updateObject.R testPackage.R zzz.R git_url: git_branch: RELEASE_3_16 git_last_commit: d7cd9c1 git_last_commit_date: 2022-11-01 Date/Publication: 2022-11-01 NeedsCompilation: no Packaged: 2022-11-01 20:55:48 UTC; biocbuild Built: R 4.2.3; ; 2023-04-06 05:34:49 UTC; unix