--- title: "Week 5 Progress" subtitle: "Quantifying DGE in *M. galloprovincialis* utilizing existing RNASeq data" author: " C. Mantegna" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" format: revealjs: theme: serif navigation-mode: linear slide-number: true show-slide-number: print editor: visual --- ## Project Overview {.smaller} Utilizing differential gene expression to support conclusions about what common or unique physiological responses are displayed by *M. galloprovincialis* when exposed to the anthropogenic stressors listed below. | Accession ID | Tissue Type | Exposure | |:------------:|:-----------:|:-------------------------------:| | SRR19782039 | Gill | Valsartan & Carbamazepine | | SRR16771870 | Gill | Synthetic 17 a-Ethinylestradiol | | SRR7725722 | Gill | Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning | | SRR13013756 | Gill | Hypoxia | ## Methods ## {auto-animate="true"} **Methods** Choose organism & question ## {auto-animate="true"} **Methods** Search NCBI for existing RNASeq files Choose organism & question ## {auto-animate="true"} **Methods** Align sequences using Kallisto Search NCBI for existing RNASeq files Choose organism & question ## {auto-animate="true"} **Methods** Quantify DEG & Annotate Align sequences using Kallisto Search NCBI for existing RNASeq files Choose organism & question ## {auto-animate="true"} **Methods** Visualize Data Quantify DEG & Annotate Align sequences using Kallisto Search NCBI for existing RNASeq files Choose organism & question ## {auto-animate="true"} **Methods** Perform Gene Enrichment Analysis Visualize Data Quantify DEG & Annotate Align sequences using Kallisto Search NCBI for existing RNASeq files Choose organism & question ## Preliminary Results {.smaller} # Taking a look at my Kallisto output {.smaller} countmatrix \<- read.delim("../output/kallisto_01.isoform.counts.matrix", header = TRUE, sep = '\t') rownames(countmatrix) \<- countmatrix\$X countmatrix \<- countmatrix\[,-1\] head(countmatrix) ```{r} # Taking a look at my Kallisto output countmatrix <- read.delim("../output/kallisto_01.isoform.counts.matrix", header = TRUE, sep = '\t') rownames(countmatrix) <- countmatrix$X countmatrix <- countmatrix[,-1] head(countmatrix) #![kallisto](kallistoTable.png) #trying to add the image but it isn't rendering ``` # Only 2 columns? {.smaller} countmatrix \<- read.delim("../output/kallisto_01.isoform.counts.matrix", header = TRUE, sep = '\t') rownames(countmatrix) \<- countmatrix\$X countmatrix \<- countmatrix\[,-1\] head(countmatrix) dim(countmatrix) ```{r} # Only 2 columns of values? countmatrix <- read.delim("../output/kallisto_01.isoform.counts.matrix", header = TRUE, sep = '\t') rownames(countmatrix) <- countmatrix$X countmatrix <- countmatrix[,-1] head(countmatrix) dim(countmatrix) ``` ## Troubleshooting Missing Sequences {.smaller} ``` {.python code-line-numbers="1,8"} This code finds files ending in 1.fstq find /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/cnmntgna/GitHub/chris-musselcon/output/ncbi/*_1.fastq \ | xargs basename -s _1.fastq | xargs -I{} /home/shared/kallisto/kallisto \ quant -i ../data/MGAL_cds.index \ -o ../output/kallisto_01/{} \ -t 4 \ /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/cnmntgna/GitHub/chris-musselcon/output/ncbi/{}_1.fastq \ /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/cnmntgna/GitHub/chris-musselcon/output/ncbi/{}_2.fastq \ ``` ``` {.python code-line-numbers="1,9"} This code finds files ending in 2.fstq find /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/cnmntgna/GitHub/chris-musselcon/output/ncbi/*_1.fastq \ | xargs basename -s _1.fastq | xargs -I{} /home/shared/kallisto/kallisto \ quant -i ../data/MGAL_cds.index \ -o ../output/kallisto_01/{} \ -t 4 \ /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/cnmntgna/GitHub/chris-musselcon/output/ncbi/{}_1.fastq \ /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/cnmntgna/GitHub/chris-musselcon/output/ncbi/{}_2.fastq \ ``` ## Next Steps ![mussels](https://github.com/course-fish546-2023/chris-musselcon/blob/main/assets/mytilusReef.png?raw=true)\ - Run 2 missing sequences through Kallisto\ - Run DESeq\ - Quantify DEG & Annotate\ - Visualize Data\ - Perform Gene Enrichment Analysis