## Week 02 Question Set a) **What do you feel was the most impressive thing you did in class last week was?** Honestly, most impressive thing was getting set up on all the different remote clusters - those can be a pain to get working sometimes and instead everything seems to have just worked. b) **What is your weekly goal for making progress on your project? What is the next step?** Since I'm joining late my goal is to finalize my project idea and source my data. c) **There were two readings this week not from the textbook, meant for two different audiences. Which reading did you get the most out of and why? Do you have any questions regarding the Journal of Shellfish Research paper?** I've always been fascinated by epigenetics, but haven't been keeping up with the literature. It was incredibly interesting to read up on the different techniques that have developed to actually quanity the levels of methylation. As someone who is not doing RNA-Seq anytime soon (unfortunately) I found the Shellfish Research paper more useful by abstracting out the important information compared to the more step by step approach the other paper provided. However, the packages shared in the other paper are also valuable resources that I will be continuing to document. As useful as just sharing direct code is, I find playing around with a package and seeing what I discover a more useful tool for research. d) **What is your favorite thing about markdown and why?** Markdown has so much overlap with LaTeX that I don't have to learn too many new commands (thgough I'm a tad disappointed that bold and italics are different). It's very efficient to just be able to type and not have to bother with any troublesome GUIs. e) **What is the differnce between `curl` and `wget`? When would you used one over the other?** They are both tools to download data from the internet, but wget focuses on downloading HTTPS and FTP protocols (aka websites) while curl is more useful for accessing remote servers where data is stored in alternative file structures. curl will also decompress compressed files in a few formats. Which you use depends on what you're downloading. Navigating through a website and navigating through the different layers, I would use wget. Downloading data from a server I would use curl.